Dispatch from the Front Line: Failures in Ottawa, weirdos and wimps in the provinces. Fun!
POEC. Sympathy for Sloly, to a point. Doug Ford: gigantic sucky man-baby wimp. Danielle Smith's WEF WTF. Singh attacks the central bank's independence. And more!

Happy weekend, stalwart Line readers. As we promised/warned you all in our dispatch last week, it is our intention to keep watching the Public Order Emergency Commission proceedings in Ottawa, but not to rush to any conclusions. The sheer volume of testimony is already a lot to track; it’s harder still to stay atop the numerous documents also being released. We can’t in good faith claim to be fully up to speed given the rate that the proceedings are, uh, proceeding, so we are asking everyone to be patient. Yes, we are watching. No, we haven’t made up our minds yet. And if we may, you shouldn’t have, either.
To the extent that we drew anything from this week’s testimony, it was that our confusion from last week, and our sense that something was amiss, was likely on the money. In that dispatch, we noted that the testimony being given on the stand, particularly by Ontario Provincial Police Superintendent Pat Morris, seemed way out of whack with the documentary evidence from February … including that of Pat Morris! (A now-retired former senior OPP officer directly contradicted Morris’s testimony last Friday, and we were just able to sneak an update of that nature into our dispatch before publishing it.) Overall, our sense is that the various police forces were deeply concerned in February by the possible danger posed by the convoys, but they’re now more concerned with the danger of getting blamed for the Emergencies Act being invoked, should Justice Rouleau conclude it was not needed. Butt-covering and buck-passing would explain much of what we’re seeing.
Oh, and this is something we talked about a lot this week in our video, so enjoy!