Hello again, Line readers.
We’re back to our regularly scheduled Dispatches, and as such, here is your slightly late-ish weekend read.
We admit it: we are pretty harsh with the Liberals this week. Not because there’s any single thing in particular that they have done wrong. Rather, a collection of minor annoyances have built into a collective crescendo of vexation. The True Blue Conservatives among you shall be pleased; our TruAnon readers, on the other hand, will take umbrage. We will try to balance the scales next week, provided the Conservatives and the NDP give us something to work with. Thankfully, they rarely disappoint.
On that note: Please enjoy this week’s dispatch video!
And the podcast version, of course!
We had meant to tackle this on Monday in our welcome-back dispatch, but that dispatch was long enough, so we pocketed this item. But your Line editors have been intrigued by the coverage surrounding the forthcoming book by former finance minister Bill Morneau. (Some journalists received advance copies of the book; The Line did not.) If you’re interested in checking out the early reports, you’ve got a few from which to choose, but we would personally recommend Paul Wells’s offering at his own Substack.
We don’t want to rip off what Paul has already written, so we’re just urging you to read it (and to subscribe to Paul, if you haven’t already — he’s worth it!).
A comment we’d make, though, is that it strikes us that there are, in broad strokes, two “schools” of Trudeau Government criticism. The first what we’ll call the “Fuck Trudeau School,” and is made up of the jackasses who festoon their truck nuts and lawns with “Fuck Trudeau” bumper stickers and signs, and who blame him for everything under the sun — including things that this prime minister has no control over, because no prime minister would have any control over said thing.
And then there’s the second school, which we’ll call the “Deliverology School.”