Dispatch from the Front Lines: On the purging of the American soul
Also, the Liberals, at this point, are basically killing their own careers.
Hello, everyone! We hope you had a great weekend.
And we especially hope we see you in Edmonton in less than a week now!
If you want to hang out with G&G and their great panel of guests to talk about the future of Canada and our finances, hit the link below and join us for a great chat, some food and drinks and lots more.
Also, check out our latest episode of The Line Podcast.
This episode of The Line Podcast is brought to you by Unsmoke Canada. Canada can be a global leader in reducing the harm caused by smoking, but it requires actionable steps, including giving adult smokers the information they need to choose potentially less harmful alternatives. Learn more at Unsmoke.ca.
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And now, on with the dispatch.
Firstly, we at The Line want to start off this dispatch by making note of the Ottawa Declaration, a manifesto of sorts released this week by the Macdonald Laurier Institute. You can read it here, but in short, this is an attempt by the MLI and several other outlets to make a statement against ongoing (and growing) government subsidies for media.
For the record, we at The Line broadly agree with the contents of the Declaration, and and are happy to promote and share it. We remain committed to accepting no government subsidies, and opposed to such on both philosophical and practical grounds. If anything, we think the Declaration didn't go far enough in its opposition — we are extremists on this file.
That said, we didn't sign this declaration, largely because we feel that we have our own platform to make these points, under our own names, and in the way we best see fit. It wasn't so long ago that we critiqued a group of economists for signing an open letter against the carbon tax, and we feel that it would be rather hypocritical of us not to take our own advice on the subject. Nothing but love to both MLI and our fellow independents, we're just a little ornery that way.
That said, we do encourage you to click on the link and read the Declaration for yourselves. And, we further hope that both current and future governments take it seriously.
If you share our views on this matter, and are not yet paid subscriber, we hope you take this opportunity to support our efforts to grow.