Howdy, Line readers. Great to be with you. This weekend, by quirk of the calendar, happens to find both your Line editors celebrating major family events, so we won’t be doing a full written dispatch. We’re partying! And we want to get you to celebrate, too! Come on! Let’s have a good time! Whooo!
We do want to direct your gaze and ears, as ever, to our podcast, but also to note that due to our travel schedules, we recorded it a day earlier than usual. This isn’t a problem for most of what we discussed, but there were further developments on the rail lockout issue between the time we recorded and when we published. Just wanted to make you aware.
In any case, check it out below!
As always, the audio version of the podcast (along with a bunch of ways to subscribe to it) can be found here.
Like, subscribe, share it with your friends, share it with your enemies, leave us glowing reviews, and all that jazz. The Line counts on your support!
And … that’s it. From The Line to you, our readers, listeners and viewers, we send our love and best wishes for this late-summer weekend. Talk to you in a few days!
The Line is entirely reader and advertiser funded — no federal subsidy for us! If you value our work, have already subscribed, and still worry about what will happen when the conventional media finishes collapsing, please make a donation today.
The Line is Canada’s last, best hope for irreverent commentary. We reject bullshit. We love lively writing. Please consider supporting us by subscribing. Follow us on Twitter @the_lineca. Fight with us on Facebook. Pitch us something:
Matt: change the view of your webcam. A straight on facial image is much superior to one that looks down on yer head. Jen, yer OK with yers. Dammit, I's a Newfoundlander, but I know how to set things up so they are viewable. And a codfish to each of ye.
Matt is correct. Just got the gun license in the mail. Will learn at a range and purchase eventually. 10% or whatever is way too high, plus all this hate demonstrated on our streets is eye opening, esp as a gay.