Emergency Dispatch: An election so close, it broke Substack's servers
OK, so, this weekend didn’t go the way we intended.
As per the new routine here at The Line, our week-ending dispatch is now for paying subscribers only. Our still-valued-but-not-quite-as-beloved freebie readers get a stripped down “lite” version of the dispatch, plus a variety of passive-aggressive pleas for money. So that’s what we did on Saturday: sent the full version to the paids, the lite to everyone else, and dispersed to enjoy our weekend.
Substack, alas, had other plans: due to an as-yet-unexplained issue, they are currently unable to send emails that are specifically tagged as either for paid readers or for unpaid readers. The posts do go live on the site, and some of you have been able to find them, but they won’t distribute by email, which is how newsletters work. We have notified them; they are looking into this and we are not the only newsletter experiencing this problem. In the meantime, they are apparently able to send emails to all readers. So, fine, we’ll improvise.
If you are a paid reader, and you’re wondering where your weekend dispatch is, well, it’s right here, folks. The direct link should work, so long as you’re signed in.
Dispatch from the Front Line: Every outcome is possible, no outcome is certain
And for everyone else, your link is here — this should work no matter what:
Dispatch Lite: Kenney Compounds Conservative COVID Competency Crisis
Sorry, everyone, for all this. It’s frustrating for us, too. Thanks for your patience. And remember — this is all [whichever federal leader you really hate]’s fault.
The Line is Canada’s last, best hope for irreverent commentary. We reject bullshit. We love lively writing. Please consider supporting us by subscribing. Follow us on Twitter @the_lineca. Fight with us on Facebook. Pitch us something: lineeditor@protonmail.com