Q&A: Wherefore all the UFOs?
The Line speaks with Jeremy Corbell, an American independent journalist, who has been releasing UFO — or UAP — footage, and says there is a lot more to come.
On June 25th, the United States government released a report into UAPs — unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs (a new jargony update to the veritable “UFO”). The report did not contain any smoking guns — as was expected. But it was more interesting than your Line editors expected. Since 2004, the report noted, there had been 144 encounters with UAPs and of those, 143 remained unexplained. Most of those reports likely have benign explanations, even if they are currently unknown. But remarkably, 80 of these incidents represent encounters with objects that were confirmed by multiple observers and sensors — so not just a glitch — and 18 of them involved incidents that appeared to involve objects that could accelerate and maneuver in ways the U.S. government could not explain. The report draws no conclusions, and lays out new guidelines for documenting and analyzing such incidents in the future.
The report had been highly anticipated because of the release in recent years of a series of videos, confirmed by the U.S. military to be authentic, that showed encounters between U.S. forces and UAPs. Jeremy Corbell, an American independent journalist, has been responsible for many of these releases. The most famous among his leaks included video footage of purportedly showing multiple UAPs from the USS Omaha. Corbell also released video footage of a triangular craft taken from the USS Russell. Both of these clips were confirmed as authentic by the U.S. military. Regardless of your opinions about UAP, Corbell has delivered a series of remarkable scoops, and promises more to come. He spoke to The Line. The transcript below is taken from two separate chats (due to scheduling challenges), each of approximately 30 minutes. It has been edited for length and clarity.
The Line: Let’s start with some bigger picture stuff about who you are. We’ve done our homework on you and you’ve had a pretty interesting life. Tell us about what led you up to being the “UAP guy.” What kind of career path leads you to getting these astonishing UAP scoops?
Corbell: You know, thanks for asking that. I want people to not be able to dismiss the message by dehumanizing the messenger. Yeah, so I'm really thankful. To start, I want to clarify something real quick because people have said really loud things. I've never worked for a government agency. I don't get provided information from a government agency. I’m absolutely 100 per cent a gumshoe investigative reporter who has been working over a decade to earn trust. I've responsibly obtained and released Navy footage of UFOs that the Pentagon has confirmed because [the videos] gave them no choice. And additionally, I have provided information to the Pentagon they did not have before I gave it to them.
I know that's hard to understand. But it's because the systems of communication, as you run things up the chain of command, get stymied along the way. People are unable to report these things up the chain of command, so they do things like leak information. But I have been very careful to not hurt my country, not put out anything that is classified. I can release things that are in classified briefings but are inherently unclassified. So I just wanted to start by saying to you, those be the facts. That's what's up.
Now to tell you a little bit about myself and how I find myself in this position. To you it's like an overnight thing. To me, it's been hard work for over a decade. I was a mixed martial athlete. That's all I ever thought I would do for my entire life. I trained Jiu Jitsu from the age of nine years old. I was born in ‘77. So by 2007 I'm completely a recovering martial arts addict. I mean, I've been out of it a while, obviously, because, you know, the human body can only take so much damage! But I really enjoyed it. It taught me about functionality and practicality. And it shaped my approach to the subject — it's a problem to be solved. So just like how I'm a 155-pound fighter, and I'm training with people who are 200-plus pounds, if my technique is good, I can dominate.
But then I got sick. I mean, this is a deeper story, but it's too esoteric I think for a general audience. But I kind of said, like, what am I if I'm not a MMA fighter, if I'm not a jiu jitsu guy, like what am I? And I got really sick right after that. I had something called Valley Fever and it almost cost me my life. I was overseas and was flown back on an emergency flight and taken to UCLA’s special disease unit. You can get Valley Fever in the U.S., but I didn't. It could have been a bat cave in Thailand or a farmer’s field in Nepal. It went through the whole bloodstream — kidney, liver, heart, everything. I couldn't perform my duties as a martial athlete. I couldn’t train at schools. It was gone. Everything.
So it's like, shit. So I started making artwork. I disassembled eight computers, put them into windows and doors, and then I was stealing doors and windows from like local demolitions. So now I had an art career.
And then I got a camera for my wedding. And then I pointed it at somebody and I realized that everything I wanted to know people will tell me if I point a camera at them. My camera was my passport into people's lives and the unknown. People would tell me things they didn't tell their wives, their friends. Or their priests. And I'm like, holy fuck, this is amazing. So I started filming, and I was upfront with everybody. I'm not a filmmaker, I’ve never used an editing program, I don't know what to do, but I'm making a movie. And then they trusted me. I think I'm very charming. I would like to say that's my superpower. So from there, I started making films. And then boom, I drop a film on Netflix, boom, drop a film on Hulu, boom, Netflix buys another film, and all of a sudden, people tell me I'm a filmmaker. Okay, cool. So I'm a filmmaker now. Great.
So what am I, you know, I'm not a martial athlete. I'm not an artist. I'm not a filmmaker. I'm Jeremy. Right? I am the infinite expression of whatever it is I choose to fucking do.
The Line: When you were going through this process of change, did you already have an interest in UAPs or UFOs? Was that something you came into your journalism career with or did you just find it?
Corbell: [laughs] I was 13 years old. And I heard on the radio, George Knapp interviewing a man named Bob Lazar. Lazar said he reverse-engineered alien spacecraft. The only thing that was interesting to me about that was how it flipped my script, instead of saying it was a reactionary propulsion system, he said, they use a gravitationally based propulsion system. A gravity wave amplification system, which pulls time and space towards you. So you’re literally fall into place.
Imagine a bowling ball on a mattress, you push your fist down, the bowling ball falls towards your fist. That really weaponized my curiosity. It made me stop being a passive consumer and observer of this and become an active participant by asking questions. It was the physics, the idea that distance no longer matters. Because everybody thinks the universe is vast. What if distance no longer matters?
The Line: So you had an interest already, as many people do. How did you become the UFO guy?
Corbell: It wasn't all of a sudden! Basically, I would call people and I would say, look, I've got, friends that gave me a heads up on certain things. So I was able to call [U.S. Navy] Commander David Fravor (the pilot who chased the “tic tac” UFO sightings recently featured in the New York Times.)
I was the first journalist that he went on record with, but he wouldn't let me put it out. Part of telling secrets is keeping secrets. I told him, your story is going to be the biggest modern-day UFO story of all time, but it won't be from me, I promise you. It wasn't. You know how he found out his story got out into the public? Because I called him. I told him, it’s on the news. They're talking about you. It wasn't me. So that spreads, people start understanding, hey, ‘Jeremy won't tell your story, if you don't want him to, he's trustworthy. You can talk to him. And he's not some crazy UFO person. He's an investigator. He's a journalist. He's curious. He wants to know, he's interested in aerospace and metamaterials and physics as well as UFOs.’
So over time, people let me in. They let me in. Now my fucking emails, my communication, my phone, it's like a fucking Vegas slot machine. At midnight. It’s absolutely insane. I can't keep up with the communications, the data, the footage. And now why is this happening? Because military people do not have an outlet to put up through the chain of command. You know, they’re like: ‘Why are they telling me I didn't see what I saw? It's on radar.’ So they don't have this normal methodology. So they're coming to me.
What I have … it's beyond powerful. Like times ten. I will be releasing it. Tons of stuff. You've seen the tip of the spear. With my mentor in journalism, George Knapp, who's guiding me through all this and verifying things I can't verify on my own. We're both verifying with our sources, coming together. So after like two years, we're like, oh, here's a video. Everybody thinks it happened yesterday. I've had this stuff forever.
People think that's a big conspiracy. It's not. It's good journalism. I've worked at this, I've confirmed it. That’s why [the U.S. military] are confirming it.
What I've done is put out Navy footage of unknown and unidentified objects. Oftentimes, the footage is taken in a ship’s CIC, the Combat Information Center. You don't get footage out of there. But it's from ‘Viper’ teams — Visual Intelligence Personnel. VIPERs... So this is footage that should be inherently unclassified because they're not allowed to film classified stuff, or they have to dispose of the camera. How’d I get it? None of your business! [laughs]
The Line: You’ve been at this for years, as you’ve said. And the conversation has changed a lot in the recent few years — five years, ten years. It’s much more mainstream now. Much more open.
Corbell: It always should have been. I didn't have the luxury of disbelief prior. And now I'm really glad people are playing catch up. And even in our military, and in our Senate Intelligence Committees, and our congressmen or senators and everybody involved in mechanisms of government — they're trying to play catch up. This should have been something on our radar from the very beginning. Because these are unknown craft of unknown origin flying with impunity through our restricted airspace, including nuclear facilities, shutting down nuclear weapons. They're representing a technology far more advanced than our next-gen technology, or even like a thousand years ahead. And by the way, this is not a new phenomenon. This is something which I have, like 1960s cubes with squares. This stuff has been happening forever, and they know it, but there has been a toe-the-line secrecy. Why? Because any smart nation is going to exploit and weaponize this and try to have a technological advantage for the good of their public. For us, the U.S., as an example, I get the secrecy. I understand it, some things should remain secret, I get it. But ultimately, to hold from the American people that we are not alone in the universe, that people from outside of our understanding of this natural world have made machines and they're flying here. And they represent a propulsion system that is so far beyond our reactionary propulsion system.
The Line: Please explain what you mean by that “reactionary propulsion.” You mentioned that above. You mean how we push off stuff for thrust. Walking, we’re pushing off the ground. Propellers on ships are pushing and pulling water. Same in the air, or with jets, or with rocket exhaust. We move ourselves and our ships by reacting with something else.
Corbell: This stuff we’re seeing is gravitationally propelled, this is a gravitational propulsion system. I'm not going to dance around it anymore. Everybody in these exploitation programs for non-terrestrial technologies, they know it to be true. Just like in the New York Times, Dr. Eric Davis came forward and said, these craft are not made on Earth. He briefed the Pentagon. That's fucking true.
The Line: Why is this happening now? Are there more of these incidents, or are we just seeing them more because we have better radars and camera now?
Corbell: So just to be clear, why I'm releasing it now, is because I see an opportunity to keep everybody fucking honest. The intelligence agencies are having to be beholden to the Senate Intelligence Committee to some degree. So this was the time to crack the egg. Because all of a sudden, we can have real acknowledged confirmation and change.
There is an increased frequency. And I can tell you that because it's not just military and their awesome new sensors picking this up — we can talk about the sensors and why they're picking it up. It's really interesting. But in the civilian world, there's also an increase in frequency. And it's not just COVID! In fact, with COVID, people are inside more.
In the military, there's an increase in sensor technology and more importantly, corroborative sensor technology, with integrated intelligence, AI systems that are being used on our most modern warplanes, and navy warships.
The Line: This is something most people don’t realize, but increasingly, military systems and sensors are networked. So if a radar can tell you there’s something out there, other platforms and sensors in the area try to pick it up to. Information can flow from ship to plane and plane to ship.
Corbell: I am going to release some more footage once [the UAP] report comes out. And there'll be an additional layer of corroborated visual evidence. There are [sensor] systems that you're not being told about that I have seen evidence of. You also have satellite systems that have high def — you can read a Coke can from outer space. Just fucking imagine if there's video from those. Just imagine if you have clear-as-day footage from satellite systems, and we have amazing satellite systems.
The Line: You mentioned what the Pentagon will release. And the other Western and NATO forces. They’ll release stuff for the media and the public, but they never show us all that they can do, because that would be showing China and Russia what we can do. But let’s dig into what you just said there — do you believe there are high-quality satellite images of some of these encounters?
Corbell: There is absolutely high fidelity, absolute clarity, undeniable-truth level video footage. Images that have been collected over decades from satellites and from other systems. Yes, there are. Will it ever be unclassified? I don't think they should. I don't think they should because of the way that it would reveal so much. But at the same time, I'm just answering you. I don't have the luxury of disbelief. Yeah. Yeah, there are. There are and I'll tell you something else. Believe me or not, I don't give a fuck.
Our government has full intact craft from other intelligent, technologically advanced civilizations that were made. We have them, we've been exploiting them. We've been trying to derive technology from them. The number one thing that holds us back is the material science, the ability to perfectly, in a zero-gravity environment, atomically layer sheets of different layers of materials or elements. That's so important. It’s about metamaterials — stuff not found naturally in the universe, that we can’t make.
The Line: You’re careful in your remarks to not say where you think this stuff is coming from. What you think it is. But let’s just ask the question: do you think these are aliens?
Corbell: No, no. Look. Who has a technology that's more advanced than ours, and has had it since the beginning of aviation? Who has it? That's all I'm asking. What is an alien? I have no idea. Are you saying they're coming from other star systems? Okay. Maybe that's not off the table. That's a good contender, because of the way the craft are built. Makes sense. There are exotic other ideas, but it doesn't matter.
We can't even have that fucking conversation until we eliminate U.S. black [classified] projects. Well, guess what? It's eliminated. That's what the (senate) report is going to tell you. Now, if they try to keep Russia and China and adversarial nations in there, that's because they want money. Saying it’s maybe China or Russia is about trying to get funding for U.S. programs. If they say: “Oh, maybe it’s hypersonics!” It’s not. It's about coming from fucking outer space.
Like, for example, when the tic tac UFOs came from 80,000 feet down to sea level. And they did that in less than a second and a half: listen to what Ratcliffe told you, the former National Intelligence director. He said the words that people just didn't pick up on — they move at speeds faster than the speed of sound, without a sonic boom. So what does that? It's not a reactionary propulsion system. This is a field propulsion system, a gravitational amplification system. Believe it or not, I don't give a shit. I know that to be true.
So is it aliens? I don’t know. Let's remove the U.S. Let's remove technologically advanced other foreign nations — Russia, China, whatever. It’s not them. I have a personal pet theory called techno terrestrial, but we don't have to get into that. [laughs] Look. These are not our typical programs or technology.
The Line: This might seem insulting, but we don’t mean it that way. But do you ever wonder if you’re being played? Lied to? Some weird psy op?
Corbell: I'm glad you asked it, but that's absolute fucking — not you, but other ignorant people! — bullshit. So here's the deal. People aren't just like leaking the shit. I’ve developed relationships over a decade. I would love to believe we are so fucking organized, that they can use me in that way. It would make me feel so comfortable to know that the U.S. military has its own PR program. They're trying to control the narrative. They're trying to make calls.
But I'm not changing. I'm not changing the authenticity of what I'm putting out. I'm not going to harm national security. I'm not doing anything wrong. We're gonna move the ball forward with or without anybody else. Now you notice the Senate Intelligence Committee, Congress, Senators … they don't want to seem dumb. So they're all like, yeah, we've been briefed, and we don't know. They don’t want to get left in the dust.
The Line: We’ve bounced off this a few times already, but let’s talk about these gravity propulsion systems you’re confident the U.S. has. If we had that technology, it would change everything.
Corbell: It's so profound, because this is what's going on and they know it, the people that are in the exploitation programs for these missions. Materials, and also the systems when — believe it or not, they all know this — it doesn't break our laws of physics. Let's just say, if you have a machine that is able to travel based on a different kind of propulsion, so not like pushing something out, it's a field propulsion system.
We don't really know what gravity is, we only know gravity by its association with mass. But scientists are starting to understand by observing blackholes that you don’t need mass to have gravity. I can't prove this to you today. But with these machines and materials, you're distorting the nature of gravity itself, you're distorting time and space in front of you. So it's like a slingshot or rubber band — you point it, you focus the the gravity wave, and bam, you fall into that point.
So that's why Commander Fravor is seeing a tic tac UFO, and it's over the water and it's bouncing as if it's a ping pong ball inside of an empty glass. It’s moving like 18,000 miles an hour without any sonic booms. We caught some of these even faster, like coming from space into the atmosphere, no sonic boom. It's in a gravity envelope. They know it's working this way. They know it, they've been trying to reverse engineer the materials, and they can't. And that's the limiting factor. They're manipulating space time in front of them using gravity waves. And they're falling into place without inertial effects in the craft. So you're not going to slam against the wall, if you go upside down, it doesn't fucking matter.
Look at the video and the satellite images and you see how these things move. They drop down, boom, 90-degree-angle turn, going 18,000 miles an hour, stopping on a dime, then shooting off. Nothing else can really explain that.
The Line: So anyone who had this technology, alien or advanced nation, would, well, they could burn the whole planet to the ground and no one could stop them.
Corbell: Remember what Commander Fravor said. He was helpless up there.
The Line: You told us earlier that you keep an open mind as to what these things are. That you haven’t concluded they’re aliens or anything. Just that it represents a technology not possessed by any nation-state on Earth. Based on what you understand about what the U.S. government thinks — not asking you to agree with it — but what does the U.S. think they’re dealing with?
Corbell: Look, the people I work with are kind of like me, they'll say, okay, I had my hands on material, or I saw, you know, I was there with a craft. I know, it exists. I was there. I was in the room with it. We looked at it, they explained to me kind of what they know. They’re told different things, and the government might not want to tell them the truth. But I will tell you this, I have a suspicion that some UFOs are craft traveling from other star systems. And the reason I say that is because of the design and the function of the craft. They don't have like toilets on the craft. They don't have a food bar. Right. What they do have are gravity drives that would allow interstellar travel. Why do you need something that's gonna allow you to go vast distances in no time at all? Probably because that's what you're doing. But honestly, what would I know, right? It’s like showing an ant an iPhone and trying to convince it it’s cool. [laughs]
The Line: Why would life from another solar system care about us?
Corbell: I’ve asked myself that a lot. I don’t know. I’ll quote my friend Joe Rogan here. He’s a comic, and he joked, maybe they like our top hats and our cupcakes and our kimonos. [laughs] But maybe they just think it’s cool. Like, maybe it's fucking space tourism. I mean, we're pretty wild. We're like monkeys with atomic bombs that fight each other all the time. We're kind of entertaining. Have you turned on the news the last couple years? It's crazy. Right? The other idea is, well, when we study blue whales, or how about great white sharks? Do we take them? And do we like talk with them? And tell them what's going on? Or do we just fucking tag them and monitor them? And once in a while, grab them out of the water? Do something, put them back in? Like, that's what we do. So maybe these UAPs are boats with them looking over the side. Why wouldn't we be interesting? We study specific types of beetles in the rainforest. How can curiosity not be the thing that is the constant of any living being? If you look at any animal, the higher the intelligence as we know it, the more curious it is.
The Line: So we’re expecting this report out shortly. Is that going to be the last word? (The Senate report was released after this interview.)
Corbell: This is the most bullshit report on the planet. However, it's going to intentionally remove U.S. black projects, and hopefully remove any technologically advanced nation that we know of. Once it’s out, more will be released. What happens after that? You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube as they say, you can't do it. So the people that are compiling this report, the individuals they're speaking with to gain all this information, most of it is beyond their ability to receive from a from a classification standpoint — they cannot receive it. Even if Congress asks for it. They cannot receive it.
This is public pressure. There's something being set up right now so that whenever we get whatever, drip and drop, if they confirm anything, they're gonna have pressure to do more and more. Are we ever going to get the whole truth? I have to believe yes, but it won’t come through government acknowledgement. It’ll come through private pressure.
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Well that was great fun!
Being a Star Trek fan all my life, I can only hope that this kind of knowledge will bring wisdom to earthlings. Maybe it will help us realize how stupid and destructive our geopolitics are and how far we could go if we worked together. Nice dream eh?