The Line
The Line Podcast
The Line Podcast: Justin Trudeau and the Liberals' death spirals

The Line Podcast: Justin Trudeau and the Liberals' death spirals

We can't build trains. We can't field a military. But Bill Blair can sure talk bluntly!

In the latest episode of The Line Podcast, recorded on March 8, 2024, Matt Gurney and Jen Gerson discuss the Durham byelection results, which Matt doesn't think matter ... but that he does find interesting (and he suspects they'll be of interest over at Liberal Party HQ, too). The intrepid editors also gab about state-capacity issues in Canada, and the blunt comments made by Bill Blair about the state of the Canadian Armed Forces. 

G&G also highlight the challenges of building infrastructure projects in Canada and the lack of prioritization and decision-making. Our governments seem to almost actively avoid making decisions, and instead prefer to just make tiny incremental announcements so that they always seem engaged with the issues of the day, even though they aren't trying to actually fix them.

From there, they move onto the Online Harms Act and why Jen isn't reassured by what we've learned since last week. Matt suggests that we could probably go a long way toward cleaning up the internet if there was even the slightest bit of deterrence for those acting badly on it. Lastly, they react to some breaking news (and a rumour) coming out of Alberta.

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