The Line
The Line Podcast
The Line Podcast: Toward Canada's glorious roadless future

The Line Podcast: Toward Canada's glorious roadless future

Seriously. How is this guy still a cabinet minister?

This week's The Line Podcast, recorded on Feb. 16, 2014, sees Matt Gurney and Jen Gerson talk about federal environment minister Steven Guilbeault's bizarre statement promising no new federal funding for big new road projects. And, yes, we know that roads fall under provincial and municipal jurisdiction — as does housing, energy policy, health care, and a host of other issues in which the feds do not hesitate to involve themselves. Also, if electric vehicles aren't the answer, why are we investing billions of taxpayer dollars into subsidized EV factories, while also phasing out the sale of internal combustion engine cars, Mr. Guilbeault? 

Then the dynamic duo go on to discuss Gerson's bizarre testimony at the Heritage committee. We think they want the media to host a party to discuss the state of the media and to be invited — to which we say: "And who is paying the drinks tab, sir?"

The NDP's Charlie Angus is proposing a new law to ban oil and gas advertising — which is making us re-think bans on tobacco advertising. Turns out, it was a slippery slope! Smoke if you get 'em?

Lastly, The Line team talks about a pro-Palestinian protest that just happened to proclaim the joys of intifada in front of a historically Jewish hospital — and the resentment of being asked to ignore the evidence of our own eyes. 

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