This is an extremely disappointing opinion piece. First there is the "Some careless readers will see this as proposal for censorship", you know judging us (readers) as inferiors or careless shows how much esteem the writer has for us. And how entrenched his opinion is, clearly any rebuttal or negative comment MUST be from a careless/clueless person. Sure.

And then, just to get my blood pressure up a notch more, it is the use of Godwin's law. Most people consume news through social media, if anything RT is a sideshow. You can argue that it needs to be bracketed (so let's make sure there are constant reminders to viewers that this is a Russian Federation-owned news network and to be aware of propaganda), but removing it only gives Putin more on his constant line "the west has no moral argument, they are the same".

So instead of Nazi analogies, why not compare Putin's aggression against non-profits and opposition figures with Canada's free democracy which allows, within the confines of the law, for public expression of ideas and reporting?

I don't get this article at all. It must be my inferiority compared to the author's.

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These are unstable times globally and before aiding other countries to defend themselves perhaps we should look at our own dismal ability to do the same. We do not have to look outside our borders to see that propaganda is alive and well, as we have taxpayer funded story tellers to do that right here at home. We need not worry about Ukraine's borders as ours are being infiltrated daily by more than just the Russian's as we speak. CSIS has reported such with very little fanfare from the media that our own Governments have been infiltrated by those who hope to influence those in positions of power. I think we have our own borders to protect from both outside and inside forces. Lets just concentrate on that before we try saving the world.

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I agree that RT is a blight upon the cable packages I don't subscribe to. (Check my site for my powerpoint on how to go to over-the-air TV.) It's awful, it's not a real news network, it's like a 365x24 political campaign.

So is Fox News. Those aren't my words, to borrow a phrase: they're from the book "Naked Launch" by Dan Cooper ( https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20659118-naked-launch---creating-fox-news ), whom Roger Aisles hired first: a talented, workaholic, already-rich TV producer, to build Fox News. After they fell out, and Aisles blackballed Cooper, Dan had no reason not to self-publish a cheap ($2.67!) Kindle story of how Fox was built.

No surprises: Dan Cooper describes it matter-of-factly as built around the structure of a permanent political campaign. Roger Aisles had been the political campaign manager for Richard Nixon. It has no interest in fact, only in spin of incoming information to the maximum advantage of politicians approved by Rupert Murdoch.

That, ahh, "messaging", helped get GW Bush pushed through to the White House, despite actually losing in 2000, and of course, sold the Iraq War. Sold it, despite it being the first conspiracy theory used for warmongering. ("Babies in incubators" and "Gulf of Tonkin" were lies, but not conspiracies. Saddam Hussein, not just building a nuke, but trusting it to foreign religious fanatics - was a conspiracy theory, the real proof Trump was possible. Could Bush have sold that without a whole TV network propagandizing in his corner? CNN and others admitted it swayed their own coverage.)

Inimical, public-killing messaging about vaccination? Fox News can check that box! Sympathy for Trump believing Putin over his own intelligence agencies? Just check Fox News, July 2018.

Here, we could remove Fox from the cable packages, I guess, but you'd want to do the same in Britain and Australia, with the equivalent Murdoch properties.

So, yeah, RT is awful - but you can't put a cigarette-paper's thickness between them and Fox News, on any dimension of journalistic integrity.


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"Orwellian doublespeak" very appropriate with discussing RT. It is becoming very apparent that RT is perhaps one of Russia's most Powerful weapons against the worlds Democracies.

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The lack of objective news in Canada requires people who think to view other sites like RT or Aljazeera. Ya sure they have a bias but so does CBC and Global. If we are reading this we should be smart enough to know when its applied. Read Matt Taibbi's article on war for a valid critic of what is going on in our press concerning Ukraine.

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Come on! If you are watching RT it's because you like getting a pro-Russian view same as you watch CNN or MSNBC to get your fix of Democrat/Anti-Republican view or FOX to get your right wing fix. And don't get me started about CBC and even CTV...

Let me make my own decisions on what I watch and you can watch whatever you like.

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Jan 25, 2022
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Ah, c'mon, there are differences in degree and kind from the major news sources and the Murdoch/RT ilk. The "they're all liars" dismissal is the same one that dismisses both Trump and Obama in the same sentence as "both are politicians and they all lie". There are differences in the *kind* of lie, and 100:1 differences in degree.

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