So you basically want to build Brasilia? You may want to see how that turned out. The primary flaw in this idea is the notion that a central planning approach can successfully create a city that will attract people, business, and yet be located in an area where there’s currently no community . After a couple hundred years, pretty good odds that if there’s not a city somewhere, it’s likely because there’s no compelling reason for a city to be there.

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It seems the common problem is politics. Perhaps we need to make a major overhaul there.

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Other than China and its "Ghost cities", where in a Western country has "economically self sustaining cities done from scratch" actually been done ? Brasília and Canbera dont really count as they are purely political creations at their heart, and even then Brasilia doesnt rank very well as a success. I agree something needs to be done, but this kind of reminds me of the Steve Martin gag on how to become a millionaire. Step 1, get a million dollars....

Imagine the political capital someone would need to spend. "Look, we are going to take a lot of your tax dollars for this project you personally will not benefit from in the hopes that in 10-15yrs, it might take off... Oh, and vote for me in 2yrs." Its hard to see how you can escape the political reality we live in with this plan.

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