In my 10 years on that Commission I saw 20 commissioners come and go. Two might have fit the description of former Telecom executive. It’s actually pretty useful to have people with Telecom experience when regulating $60 billion worth of Telecom. The lack of experience the current commission had on that score may have contributed to Thursday’s decision to reduce competition and increase Internet prices

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I believe the election rule created by the Liberal Government of Canada ran into some legal problems as it was deemed unconstitutional. So to move around the Constitution, which they do on a regular bases, they need to regulate the only space left for people to speak freely, the internet. They must quash those "conspiracy theory's " like the Reset that Trudeau spoke to the UN about and the promotion of the WEF where the journalist, turned Finance Minister (credentials be dammed) Chrystia Freeland is a member of the board of Trustees. There only hope of silencing any such talk or any words they do not want heard is to control all content. It is why they are pushing it through regardless of how many oppose it. The CRTC is but an appendage of the Government in power. What they deem as untrue so shall the CRTC. After all the CRTC members are appointed by whom?

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As an Enemy of Canadian Broadcasting, I find any regulations that promote or discourage content beyong the obvious blocks on extreme content such as child porn, live-streaming of terrorist acts and intellectual property theft to be outrageous. The Canadian cultural and media sectors need to compete on merit.

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Personally I don't care about this issue which seems to have incensed various journalists and social media types. Clamping down on things like vicious hate commentary, dangerous medical information and paramilitary recruitment would seem to be a good thing. CanCon has also proven to be effective in building our culture.

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