Sep 4Edited

Can't wait for Trudeau to move to Whistler with his new twentysomething girlfriend and a sponshorship deal for an upstart line of old guy snowboard gear. He will not sit on any corporate boards or do bus dev for a bank or law firm. Hopefully the Trudeau brand stays toxic in perpetuity so that Canada doesn't have another horror film sequel of a government in 30 years.

Singh will go back to being a lawyer and finally be able to wear the really expensive suits.

A Canadian election concurrent to the US campaign would be great!

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Justin Trudeau's surge in 2015 received benefit of a wave of nostalgia for the Pierre Trudeau era from Baby Boomers and also the odd infatuation of a younger generation with '70s-era progressive politics (see also the popularity of *actual* '70s left wing relics like Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders.) I don't think we're likely to see a wave of nostalgia for the Justin Trudeau era in 40 years...

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I'm barely old enough to remember the 70s which is why I will forever and always distrust progressive politics (ie. government as the solution to most problems).

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"Progressive" is something someone else has to apologize for down the road.

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I think Trudeau is now where Harper was in 2015. Tired, no plan, no vision, no energy, no ideas, and no hope.

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Who in their right mind would hire Singh as their lawyer now, though? lol

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In his post-political life Trudeau is likely to be raking in money from fees for speaking engagements. He may have become a toxic brand politically/domestically, but his profile is still going to be sought after for international events and for non-political fundraising within Canada.

Maybe Singh might eventually return to Ontario provincial politics?

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Sep 4Edited

Speaking on what? His pre-political "speaking" career mostly amounted to appearance fees. Maybe he can DJ with Paris Hilton.

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I don't even think he's that popular abroad anymore. Maybe he can be an extra in Hollywood.

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It is truly funny that in the minds of some people it is inconceivable that Trudeau would encounter an employee at a Sault Ste. Marie steelmill who is displeased with the PM and his government. But a CPC plant is a valid theory. This whole "affair" really did make me chuckle more than anything.

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The idea it was a "plant" reeked of desperation.

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Yes! Thank you for saying this. That video did give me a good laugh though! I've shared it with a few people too.

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Jagmeet Singh has established a record of political malpractice and misjudgment during his time as NDP leader. I suspect his decision to withdraw from his CASA with the Liberals is part of that pattern: far too late to prevent being defined as spineless and feckless enablers of the Liberals, exposed to a snap election that his party is ill-prepared for and could blow his shot at being eligible for a parliamentary pension. This is probably less calculated than Singh feeling pushed into an unwise move as an attempt to relieve rising discontent within his own party.

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The Elle “puff piece” was originally titled / described as “eight incredible Canadian women [who] have broken the glass ceiling”. In addition to Ms. Jama, Elle magazine also chose to recognize 2 men, including a transgender individual. I don’t agree with Ms. Jama’s positions, but she is entitled to her views. If Elle can’t find genuine women to highlight, perhaps they should rethink their editorial focus.

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You are assuming that they were actually looking for genuine women to highlight.

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When I was in my 30's, I loved Elle. Had a subscription and looked forward to it arriving every month. Now? Last time I picked one up I felt like it had turned to trash. (Maybe it always was and I just had different tastes back then. LOL)

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Could you guys please at least take a quick scan through your content before posting? This one is a mess. For example, a paragraph just randomly ends:

"The Line has been working to bulk up our B.C. political coverage for some time, and rolled out our first effort on that front on Tuesday. Stay tuned for more. But in the meantime, we’re glad to"

There's numerous other issues throughout.

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I noticed this too. Articles need an editor to take a good look over them before post.

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Jagmeet may not be supporting them in the CASA, but when push comes to shove, I really doubt he's going to vote non-confidence, especially since his party is polling so poorly. As for Elle, you missed the initial scandal. The original headline referred to "women," not Canadians. They revised it after all hell broke loose on Twitter.

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I am dreaming the election dream!

In Winnipeg a few weeks ago, I noticed an interesting thing. Driving down one street in Elmwood and I counted 11 Conservative signs to 4 NDP. Just one street, mind you, but I suspect it signals something worth paying attention to.

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I see that 3rd rail is still too electric to touch: no direct mention in the ELLE section that 25% of the "women" were men; were male; are XY... what is the allowed euphemism these days?

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Sellout Singh takes a leaf from the Prime "Announcement" Minister and.... makes an announcement that will have no bearing on anything. Nobody should expect an election until next summer at least.

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Two stories here are intimately connected (perhaps 100%): CASA over and upcoming by-elections. Singh frees himself/NDP to garner votes, tries to push Liberals to 3rd or 4th place.

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I always think back to the Liberal Democrats in the UK supporting the Tories in a coalition. How well did that go for them? My befuddled senior brain can’t remember who it was who said that “those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it”. Bring on the election!

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Problem solved if: Jagmeet goes south and replaces JD Vance as Trump's VP candidate. JD Vance travels north and replaces Freeland as Trudeau's Deputy PM. Freeland tries to convince Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre that she is actually a former member of the Reform Party. Freeland tells Poilievre that she has secretly been working against the Liberal Party by introducing terrible policies that have actually benefited the Conservatives and thinks she deserves to become the Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party. Poilievre reaches into his jacket pocket, extracts a apple from it, takes a bite from the apple, looks at Freeland, smiles and says, "thanks but no thanks". The Tories in the next election go onto win a massive victory.

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I already see that with Singh’s announcement, he’s going to continue the NDP’s tradition of committing political malpractice. In his announcement, he stated that he will fight evil Conservative cuts and other such nonsense.

This has been a failed NDP strategy for a very long time long time. Every time they campaign against the Tories, they manage to inadvertently scare their supporters into supporting the Liberals to defeat the Evil Tories (TM).

Free advice to Mr. Singh: campaign against the Liberals. Expose them as corporate sellouts. Eat their lunch. Campaign against the Evil Tories (TM) once you’re the Official Opposition and the Liberal Party finds themselves reduced to a parliamentary rump.

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That video, it really did give me a good chuckle at the end. LOL.

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Please! Not so many exclamation marks!

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"Monty Python's black knight"...that's the perfect description of Justin, who will be throttled in next years election. There's no hail Mary he can throw that will cover the distance between his and a competent government. Sadly, there are still no leaders in politics in Canada. My fear is that things are so bad that none of them have a clue what to do....or worse, where to start. Stand by for more studies and less action.

Jagmeet will not be leading the party...if there is a party into the 2029 election.

I'm still making predictions, and I think the more that come out about project 2025, and I think women will show up in droves. I think Trump loses by 15 million votes or more. And the bigger the gap, the more likely it becomes that he flees to Russia to avoid jail. He won't live to run in 2028. he's not rational now. 2 months until the election. The debate should be fun. Kamala better bring her A+game.

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