Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022Liked by Line Editor

Real journlism comes from walking, talking, listening and probing. Your instincts are on fire, and I trust them because you've taken the time to really report. Context is everything, and you've provided more in three days than I've seen in weeks. Thank you Matt.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Line Editor

Very unsettling. This is what doing journalism looks like. Well done, Matt Gurney.

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What many commenters don't seem to understand is that the mandates have expelled 10-15% of the Canadian population from society. These people have been told that they are, effectively, no longer Canadians (except for purposes of taxation). They are righteously angry and ready to burn the place down if they have to, rather than see themselves and their children consigned to the role of a permanent underclass, subject to constant legal discrimination. Part of the euphoria in Ottawa is the realization that, thanks to the truckers, there may be a peaceful way to get out of this situation.

These people know they need a highly organized and professional operation to shove an end to hate down the throats of the politicians and the hard core segregationists. And so, when they read your article, they say "good for these professional ex-military types" - as do I.

The solution to the problem lies in ending all the mandates. Now. The biggest obstacle to that is media and politicians. The segregationists will do what they are told by the authorities - that's why they believe what they do. But they need to be told that the mandates must go.

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Unvaxxed drivers cannot work very many places not because of any government mandates, but because businesses have established their own mandates, which they have every right to do.

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No they don't. The government is sharing people's confidential medical information in order to enable discrimination and social exclusion. Your employer isn't normally allowed to ask you for your medical records.

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Of course they can, urine tests for drugs, TB vaccinations, etc.

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"Legal challenges of employer vaccine mandates and health measures are being tossed out as arbitrators in Canada largely side with the need to maintain safe workplaces during a pandemic, legal experts say."

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You're right. Many of these people have lost their jobs or been ostracized because they refused the mandate. We've created a very large group of people with nothing to lose, because they've already lost everything,

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At this point, if they are among 2-3% of mandated employees who chose unemployment over vaccines, then they really have screwed up their lives. If the now join the militants, they will end up seeing just what financial ruin and loss of freedom really entails. I hope they wake up before that point, but I do not want this tiny, ill-informed miinority to dictate policies affecting the health and safety of everyone else. Enough. Go get vaxxed or put up with the consequences.

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If I try to understand their side, it requires me to embrace the strong belief in a world-wide conspiracy orchestrated by Big Pharma and/or that vaccines are dangerous untested poison, don’t work anyway, and/or researchers are diabolical schemers and/or the vaccinated are sheep, etc, etc. I get this from my family. And yeah, if I put myself there then I too would refuse the vaccine and feel greatly victimized. Sadly, I just can’t put myself there. But I’ll keep listening to my family, and maybe someday I’ll see the light.

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Their side is that they have a right to decide over what goes into their bodies, and won't give it up. Period. The more we bully people, the more resolute they get.

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Unfortunately we've been giving them the measles inch for ages and now they're quite prepared to go for the covid mile. Most special, all around.

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I agree, the mandates need to go. But it needs to be done in a managed, planned, and scientifically backed method. As soon as the occupation began, any actual reductions at the federal level had to stop because democracy is not blackmailed into action. If they'd left after the weekend, the ideas that Dr Tam was floating today might well have been executed.

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Feb 16, 2022·edited Feb 16, 2022

"These people have been told that they are, effectively, no longer Canadians (except for purposes of taxation). They are righteously angry and ready to burn the place down if they have to, rather than see themselves and their children consigned to the role of a permanent underclass, subject to constant legal discrimination. "

Wildly overwrought nonsense. The list of things the unvaccinated can still do is far far longer than the list of the things that they (TEMPORARILY, not "permanently", give me a break) cannot. One big thing the unvaccinated still get to do is *access the health care system*! Yep, you can become very sick from a widespread disease, the severe outcomes of which can be almost entirely prevented with a free, safe, and effective vaccine, and go into an overcrowded ICU and hog a space that a more deserving person needs. If it were up to me: no vaccination = no Covid treatment. Unfortunately that's unworkable.

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Wow, our complacency that we as Canadians are above all this is going to bite us hard. Our Governments, Federal, Provincial and municipal, Liberals and Conservatives, NDP and the Block and Greens need to stop the political football they have been playing with Covid….looking for the photo op that makes them look like stars. We need now, more than ever, Leaders who stop pitting Canadians against each other and work towards solutions. Solutions that support a Democratic Canada. Canadians used to care about each other. This Governance through Covid started off okay and it wasn’t like we had a road map, however it has deteriorated to pitting friends and family, people who used to love each other, on opposing sides with no middle ground.

It has to stop for the sake of all of us and our children's future

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Kenney in AB, Moe in SK and Ford in ON appear to have no interest in working with other levels of government, and seem to be actively sabotaging the process, which is extremely troubling. Your email is very pertinent and accurate.

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It's not a coincidence that all three of them are Conservative premiers. They know that it's their base honking the horns. They are trying to save their jobs - the medical community be damned...even more.

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I want them to follow the science as best possible and follow what the public wants. Beyond the poorly-informed and politically manipulated tiny antivax antiscience crowd, Canadians overwhelmingly support vaccinations, masks and public health guidance.

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There's lots of unvaxxed Albertans for Covid to feast on and having it once does not seem to preclude getting again. Cases ARE declining, though. Feb. 9 showed 1684 new cases - or down to the level of the previous PEAKS in Sept., May and last December. Covid doesn't care if we are tired of it.

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If that's the RCGT park I'm familiar with, that's pretty far from Parliament Hill. In fact, from that location, it's hard for me to imagine what exactly they are threatening.

Matt, you may well be right, and there may be a real problem brewing. But the evidence you advance is very impressionistic. I would seek more confirmation.

As to the knowledgeable people you spoke to, I don't doubt their qualifications. It's just that, from Peter Sloly on down, they have a personal interest in exaggerating threats. They could be looking for excuses.

Finally, I note that the situation has been going on for nearly two weeks. If this second group is really planning some actions, why haven't we seen any sign of them yet? The longer they wait, the longer they give the forces of law and order to get organized. They should have struck early.

Anyway, I very much enjoy your reports. But in this case, I hope you're wrong.

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As possibilities: This is where you'd store weapons, out of sight until needed, like the Oath Keepers who kept their stockpile across the Potomac in Virginia. These wouldn't be called on until the downtown removal got serious. And the formation serves as a bunker.

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I agree that that part of the article was speculative.

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I think this is near the airport

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Matt’s stellar work over the last 3 dispatches has helped me get a far more coherent take on the Ottawa situation. This last dispatch was very sobering reading. If the analysis of the second encampment is accurate, this stand-off could quite possibly have a bloody ending.

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All the more reason to just lift the immoral and useless mandates right now and take the air out of the protests completely. At some point the government just needs to back down on this. Why not now? Is a massacre really better?

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

Oh boy, I don’t know. As it is, mandates were never meant to be forever. That would be unsustainable. As they naturally get rolled back, as is happening elsewhere, I wouldn’t want the convoy people to congratulate themselves on a job well done. What an unfortunate precedent that would set.

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Trudeau never gave an expiration date. Doug Ford did: Jan 17/22. How's that working out for you?

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I'm don't understand the question. In my province the mandate will end when our premier says it does. It's coming soon. Everything is slowly opening here, with dates. As a vaccinated person mandates aren't my main concern. I'm more interested in getting the restaurants and bars open asap. I'm undecided on masks. A big NO for outdoors, that's for sure.

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Not a chance of governments caving in to this as angry tiny group.

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I'd like to offer an alternative perspective. If you fire hundreds of military and RCMP from their jobs. Cut them off from Employment Insurance. Where do you think they are going to go? I think what you are seeing is less foreign agitators than individuals who were summarily kicked out of the military and RCMP over vaccine mandates. A few of them have shown up in the leadership of this group and I'm sure there are many more who are involved. Is it serious? Absolutely. Those whose lives have been destroyed by vaccine mandates don't have any incentive to stand down.

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Their lives weren't destroyed by vaccine mandates. Their lives have been restricted due to their choice to refuse to get vaccinated, unlike 85% of their friends, family and neighbors.

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Peter I understand that perspective but I think you miss the vocational aspect of the military. Most individuals who enter the military not only take on a job but a way of life and a community. It requires much more from you than simply a job. When that is taken away from you, it is life destroying.

We've also seen that with young men, the vaccines did have a risk that the rest of the population did not face. It was fair to question it. But they were summarily kicked out. I don't think it takes too much imagination to understand why they would join the convoy and use their skill set to create a well-organized set-up at Coventry.

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You don't consider losing your job because you are terrified of the jab as a life destroyed? What is wrong with you?

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"terrified" really? Thanks Facebook!

People who are terrified of a vaccination should not be soldiers. If they've ever been deployed overseas surely they must have been "forced" to have several other shots, too. What is so terrifying about this one?

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Your post reminds me of what happened when the USA invaded Iraq in 2003. They discharged the members of the military that supported the Baath party. They ended up using their skills and weapons against the USA army as insurgents. It would have more sense to keep them on the US government payroll so they don't cause as much trouble.

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Yes - the classic blunder.

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Diplomatically speaking, I wasn't thrilled with your earlier reflections that seemed rather sympathetic to the overall convoy movement. You know, genuine, honest, salt-of-the-earth folks with a legitimate grievance. Yes I know hindsight is 20/20 but for many of us it's been ominous from the beginning. This was never going to end well, right? At first I suspected at worst the honest may have had a hazy plan to push legal boundaries enough to provoke a police arrest (with kids in tow), to generate martyrs and public sympathy. Now I'm worried about something worse, and not surprised at the hard element emerging. God DAMN our leaders for not seeing this coming, and having NO plan. No plan at all.

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I’m no cop or criminal. I am a senior but I was afraid of,this.

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First, another good bit of story telling.

Second, I'm not the least bit surprised. Here was my reaction to your previous post:

"So that just leaves the long haulers. My speculative description: angry, volatile, paramilitary-minded, far right anarchists, multiplayer meme addicts. Attacking infrastructure is in-keeping with such a profile. Preoccupation with the details of health policy is not."

What follows is more speculation, but the tone I've chosen is assertive.

Sadly, the mainstream media seems preoccupied with the revellers and the ineffectual partisan politics. If I had to summarize anything that might pull all the pieces of the carnival of chaos together it would be mental illness, from a perspective of democratic values.

I don't just mean the most obvious lost souls found living on the street. The carnival rhetoric is delusional. They have manufactured a fantasy in which the reality of the pandemic as a health issue doesn't exist. Sadly some political opportunists have decided to play along and try to profit.

Where do all these broken people come from. For many, 'normal' is not easy, it can be a tough slog filled with uncertainty. For 'normal' to be disrupted, broken, appear irreparable, as the pandemic has done, may be a source of enormous stress. Hopelessness can be a terrifying state. Thus the revellers' simple celebratory fantasy of redemption at hand: just end the mandates.

The fixation on Trudeau. For folks who have some understanding of how Canada's health & political systems work, Trudeau is not the central figure. Most mandates are provincial. However, symbolically, as the target of partisan political barbs within a federated political system he is a convenient ideological scapegoat. Plus, of course, there's dad and regional cultural memories.

This is a very dangerous psychological recipe. Folks who fixate on a single agent of darkness, may look for a single agent of rescue. For many Americans, the myth of Trump, in Canada amongst the protestors, some strange idolization of the powers of the GG. A residual monarchical fantasy? This all appears to be soil ripe for fascism.

And the hardcore fascists, the long haulers, clearly appear to be in the wings. Or as your story indicates, in a parking lot. Sounds to be a para-military coordination centre for activity on the main theatre stage. I alluded to paramilitary, multiplayer meme addicts, that is a social formation made possible by the nature of digital networks. These are creatures of the network. Of course, the network by nature is capable of producing widely distributed sub-networks. Thus the pop-ups in other border and infrastructure locations, and coordination across multiplayer sites. These aren't just spontaneous pandemic-based networks. But networks that pre-exist and co-exist outside the pandemic stages. Organized crime, intersecting, interlocking networks, coming together around diverse criminal activities.

In it for the game. And likely the money. Fed by interests, far and wide.

Appetites forged around shared acts of violence. Digital interlocking bully circles, if you like. Fascism is real. It forms itself as real psychological states animating real human beings in real collective actions. The online multiplayers who have solidified their connections, engaged in collective acts of violence, distributed content, reaped financial benefits, infiltrated institutions.

Parasites and hosts. Parasites feed on their hosts. If they kill their hosts, the parasites die or need to find a new host. Drug dealers who kill their clients, need a new batch of desperate, broken souls. So do human traffickers.

This is what folks need to understand and political leadership must address. Are Canadians going to be passive spectators to fascism or active agents of democratic renewal. History is putting its question to the current generation of Canadians. What kind of society do you want to live in?

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Those of us who experienced the FLQ crisis learned that if something can't go on forever, it must end. Suddenly.

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The trigger, as I recall, the murder of Quebec labour minister Pierre Laporte. Justin's dad called out the army. A lot of Quebec activists resented the heavy hand, their night in jail. Many outside Quebec applauded warily. We muddled through.

However, the FLQ for whatever degree of extremism (mimicking political movements around the world) was part of a larger political project of Quebec nationalism. It had a certain agenda and thus could be negotiated. Pierre Trudeau promised a better deal for Canada and Quebec. Quebecers grudgingly accepted.

Here there is no coherent political agenda for the blockades. As Matt's reporting hints and I would argue, the mandates are not the coherent centre of a coherent ideology animating the protest. And certainly not the ideology of the violent agitators coordinating the extremism of the disruption.

Thus, the agenda remains hidden. The political class flirts with the illusion of political benefits from these events. The police are complicity or inept, or more likely both. As I noted elsewhere Ottawa, and folks more generally, are waking up to the fact that Ottawa is an unprotected city. The significance of this may be slow to sink in. Fools will attempt to profit. And when the realization dawns, as you note, it could be sudden and very ugly.

But democracy must defend itself against fascism or else it simply becomes fascism.

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This is why I pay for my subscription. Thank you. I just wish the media on the Liberal payroll would take journalism as seriously as you and Jen do.

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So you're saying that the story's NOT about the legitimate protest of people who feel the government has violated their freedoms, but it's all about the nasty elements who are hitching a free ride? I think you are definitely getting sidetracked, and Mr. Trudeau will be pleased at that.

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I sincerely hope you’re right. I don’t like JT’s brand of communism but I certain,y don’t want any police, truckers or innocent bystanders getting hurt. I should mention that there are wives and children in those trucks.

My doctor friend who keeps track says he thinks it could be Antifa trying to benefit their agenda at the hands of truckers. I sure hope the truckers know this.

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Excellent reporting Matt. For the past several years the overriding philosophy for dealing with civil protests (rail blockades, TMX, Fairy Creek, etc.) has been 'no flashpoints'. This means don't take any action that might generate casualties or make for bad optics on the nightly news. No one wants another Oka.

As a result the Canadian enforcement response is to give up ground, try to contain the problem and wait for the court injunction. It takes a long time and usually works, but in the meantime the public has to tolerate widespread lawbreaking.

Ultimately this diminishes the sovereignty of the Canadian state, which has a monopoly on the use of force. This has consequences well beyond what is currently happening in Ottawa.

I wonder what Donald Savoie would have to say about this. He has been concerned about the disintegration of Canadian institutions for a very long time.

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I am struck by the fact that Matt's government and security sources agree the primary problem isn't the run of the mill convoy types, but "a cadre of seasoned street brawlers whose primary goal is to further erode the legitimacy of the state — not just the city of Ottawa, or Ontario or Canada, but of democracies generally."

It's in this context that the second encampment is worrisome logistically and tactically. Logistically, this is where you'd store weapons and your communications base: No one knows what you have, and that very uncertainty makes local police unlikely to conduct what could easily become a bloody raid with dead cops. Which, of course, would gain you press and martyrs.

Tactically, you want to whip up the far right and/or anyone open to radicalization. That's why you don't use your weapons immediately. You keep them to prolong standoffs and/or as defense to use when the cops/ military move in to force you out, which will happen sooner or later, as without police force there's no incentive for you to leave on your own. Every day the protest continues is a day you've won by showing the weakness of the authorities. And when they eventually act, you can claim self-defense. With luck, they'll overreact and you'll have martyrs.

We've seen this on the right at Waco and the Bundy standoff, and on the left with Anifa and the anarchist black bloc protesters at G7s and the Defund marches.

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Love this old school type of journalism!

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Is Matt saying the RCGT Park contains an armed militia component or something? I appreciate the gut feeling stuff and the limitations of what his sources can share, but, doesn't the article really amount to a summary of several peoples' spidey-senses?

What is the evidence that there is an insurrectionist violent threat lurking behind the pallets and trailer-walls?

I'm not an apologist for this group. I want them gone. I want them to stop acting as a beacon for the blockading of economic lifelines at our borders.

I'm just saying that I don't see any evidence these guys are actually operationally equpped, in enough numbers, or of the disposition to storm Parliament or similar acts. I'm mentally ready to accept the threat if new information emerges. At present, they seem to be an aggravating, symbolically dangerous tailgate party with assorted hangers-on at the fringes.

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I'm saying nothing other than what I literally actually said, and I'm very clear I'm saying nothing beyond what I literally actually said.

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Thanks for going up there and giving us your impressions though - really. I accept you are of course not literally saying there are militia in the park. I'm a huge fan and subscriber and the work you're doing is vital. I thank you.

The claim of not saying anything beyond what you are *explicitly* saying is just asking too much though.

There's so much foreboding in the piece about what's going on at RCGT Park I'm expecting the Death Eaters to whip out their wands and plant the Dark Mark in the sky.

I am just very hungry for some evidence that this is likely to end with fireworks and not a weeks-long bitch of a process of dragging trucks out one by one.

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