A good addition to the many tales of harrowing escape (and not so uplifting oblivion) coming out of Ukraine.

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I was going to say that the worst part is that there are 3 million more stories like this one, when I realized that the 3 million refugee estimate from the UN refers to people who have actually left the country. How many more millions have been displaced within their own country? How many more harrowing journeys to uncertain futures have been made or are yet to be made? We'll probably not know until years after the war is over, which may be the new 'worst part' (at least until something worse comes along and it surely will).

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Thank you Neil for posting this, and Anna for writing it. As a Canadian, I can't imagine what Ukrainians are going through. I am sickened when I think of all of the Ukrainians who are going to die or be mentally and physically damaged because of this madness. The west has to quickly find a way to reduce the destructive path Putin is on.

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Mar 21, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022

I was just grimly looking at the picture of that Theatre with 1300 people in the basement, the post-bomb photo. It stood out that the bomb clearly hit in the exact middle of the building. Not a chance it was intended to do anything else.

Off-topic, I see the US is now warning all of a probable cyberattack. I did an article on Canada's readiness for cyberwar, a few weeks back, stimulated by Matt Gurney's post here. It reviews how ready Canadian server-rooms and control systems for water, sewer, gas, power, and municipal services are. A short read. http://brander.ca/cyberwar/

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If Putin's February 21 speech were translated into German and posted without attribution, one would think it was a speech made by Hitler.

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