The Line
The Line Podcast
Experimental The Line podcast episode #0.54: Hey, where did the audio file go?

Experimental The Line podcast episode #0.54: Hey, where did the audio file go?

The internet dog ate our podcast. Here is the new podcast.
shallow focus photography of condenser microphone

Well, happy Friday, we guess. We sat down to record our first podcast in two weeks, spent 45 minutes on it, and then …. crash. The file was corrupted. Rather than waste all our brilliance and leave you all hanging, we decided to do a speed-version of the podcast. All the same topics! Most of the same wisdom! Half the time!

Is that dedication or what?!

So, behold: our experimental podcast episode #0.54, Take 2. Topics: the CBC makes a painful retraction, wondering who’ll be the next Jane Creba, the latest depressing Canadian deliverology fail, why our standard of living might be about to tank (and for some of you, might already be tanking) and, ahem, whether Canada should get kicked out of the G7.

Oh, and guess what? Almost nothing about C-18! We’re sick of talking about it too, believe us.

The Line is entirely reader funded, which has suddenly become extremely fricking important for us to highlight. If you value our work and worry about what will happen when the conventional media finishes collapsing, potentially sometime next week, please make a donation today.

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