The Line
The Line Podcast
Gradually less experimental The Line podcast episode #0.5

Gradually less experimental The Line podcast episode #0.5

Matt is a bad work husband, and Jen is beautiful. Plus, some news stuff or whatever.
shallow focus photography of condenser microphone

Matt Gurney and Jen Gerson in the fifth experimental Line podcast. We missed a week due to travel conflicts in our schedule but it’s good to be back. This week: baby formula nightmare scenario (literally), Jagmeet Singh activates his cloaking device, and why Toronto City Council needs to be disbanded.

These experimental podcasts are going well so far. We are having fun. We even got Jen a new microphone, but it didn’t arrive in time for this episode. Oh well. If you’re enjoying them, and haven’t joined us yet as a paying subscriber, please considering doing so today. It’ll help pay for the microphone.

The Line is Canada’s last, best hope for irreverent commentary. We reject bullshit. We love lively writing. Please consider supporting us by subscribing. Follow us on Twitter @the_lineca. Fight with us on Facebook. Pitch us something:

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