You laid it bare. Others will see themselves in this and it might just help them. A great piece.

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St. John's is a great place to be an alcoholic.

Your cannabis experience is enlightening. There are many many cannabis users who think nothing of having a quick smoke in the morning before work or a couple times during the day just to take the edge off. Do the same for alcohol and we'd say these folks have a serious problem.

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Fascinating read - and interestingly, unflinchingly honest. I like that.

on a side note, there are experiments being done with psilocybin for ADHD and anxiety micro-dosing too.

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Interesting read 🤔 I'm not sure if you want feedback ... so all I'll say is that I've always believed that addiction is a function of personality rather than substance and my concern that you probably shouldn't be experimenting alone.

Wishing you all the best, with no judgement intended.

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Thank you for your honesty. I’m curious. I’m wondering whether cannabis produces anxiety, and that the more you get high, the more anxious you are when you’re not high.

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Thanks. Excellent essay.

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