May 28, 2021Liked by Line Editor

Good article (although I was in my fifties when your computer game analogy occurred.... so... thanks for elaborating!)

I think you're right about the political motivation for Kenny's announcement. Doctors 'whiplashed' by this surprise announcement, which happened about a day after BC announced their more elaborate re-opening plan (on the basis of similar vaccine uptake and lower case counts). Can't be outdone by an NDP government!!

I hope we don't have to retreat from this and also hope that many people won't put away their masks and spacing plans and say. "Right. We're done. Let's party!... just because we can."

Large spread and case counts creates more new resistant variants.

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May 28, 2021Liked by Line Editor

It's clever comparisons to early Millennial cultural events like Jenkins' Hail Mary that give me hope for the future of sensible centrist media in Canada. I mean, the reference is fun and accurate, but it's the consideration of the sides, the sensible yet critical op-ed style approach to analysis and the breakdown of outcomes that makes it a thoughtful read.

The old right-of-center guard jumped on the Trump train and left a vacuum in its place, so I'm always happy when I can get a nuanced position from TheLine.

Oh, and the article content was great too. I'm just here to praise the form.

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May 31, 2021Liked by Line Editor

What would be gained by waiting? Vaccination will either crush covid, or we will have to live with it forever. Lockdowns are not sustainable from an economic or mental health perspective. Alberta is over 60% first dose plus whatever immunity exists within people who have recovered. The incremental gain from waiting longer would be negligible.

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I would feel better about this if it wasn't playing with people's lives.

Vaccines change everything. We really need to have lots of them and get them into people.

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Great piece. Frankly, though I wouldn't be choosing something like stampede to play with, I don't necessarily disagree with this plan. At some point, we need to get back to living.... why not now

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They’re definitely planning on success with these reopening plans. It still takes about 1-2 weeks for somebody to become symptomatic, so a few weeks between stages of reopening isn’t going to provide much of a signal if spread starts to rise.

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I enjoyed your article. I had long forgotten that computer game.

However I will take that bet Jen. While it’s true no one knows what is going to happen and sometimes you just have to gamble (especially if you are the current Premier of Alberta), I think we be will locked down again by November.

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Send me a note at lineeditor@protonmail.com. Also, I'm demanding odds.

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