Oct 22, 2021Liked by Line Editor

Alberta is the weak sister on the block. The environmental organizations are never going to stop oil production from Saudi Arabia or Russia or Venezuela, but Alberta is an easy target. Our fellow Canadians aren't going to come to our aid, its easy to look virtuous by banning Alberta oil, whilst importing foreign oil.

Notley tried to do a deal with the environmentalists, with the carbon tax and the production ceiling from the oil sands, but they threw her under the bus.

People love to see hidden agendas and conspiracies, but what the NGOs are doing is blatantly obvious and not secretive at all.

I don't think the Allan inquiry was a total waste of money. We now have documented what was obvious all the time, they oppose oil production for their own reasons, and there is no nefarious conspiracy. If the government wants to allege that now, their own study refutes that.

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Oct 22, 2021Liked by Line Editor

There was arrogance coupled with classic bubble thinking by the decision makers (both private and public sector) in Alberta on this file. That said, the rest of Canada could use a reminder where a significant chunk of taxable wealth in Canada comes from. Hint, it isn't from selling housing to cashed up new immigrants from the developing world.

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Oct 22, 2021Liked by Line Editor

Exactly right--a true inquiry "would have asked what Alberta did wrong in how it responded". The Line is becoming and indispensable read--thank you.

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Nailed it! Exactly my complaint about the Trump Election Story.

When you stop to think about it, the TES is that "Despite all the powers of the President, the Enemies of Freedom somehow managed to own him so totally, that they stole elections in multiple Republican states, and did not just do that, they left absolutely no evidence that could be shown to a court, utterly humiliating all attempts to redress the theft, or even complain about it."

When you get stomped that badly by the supposed incompetents you've been trashing for years, it's you that looks weak, foolish, and easily humiliated.

But, let's have a lot more sympathy for the Alberta Conservatives. Their messaging strategy did labour under the huge handicap of being wrong about the issue to start with.

There's a way forward for Alberta: somebody needs to admit that fossil are sunset industries, and that since companies are like people who can't even stand to think of their own mortality, government will have to plan their sunset years for them.

Winston Churchill killed coal as the primary energy source 110 years ago, picked oil as the winner, and coal as the loser, by switching the British Navy to oil in the ramp-up to WW1. This meant oil terminals in every port, which were all also a train terminus. Both civilian industries switched quickly. The Herald's Peter Tertzakian covered all that in his book. And Churchill is remembered as a conservative hero.

So it can be done, Alberta can defend its industries as needed and moral; but I don't think the Alberta UCP is the right team for the job.

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There is much to be said for activism to which has become the social justice movement to pair with the environmental one. Our schools, Colleges, and Universities, push out social justice warriors and protesters that take it as a new job opportunity. Money can be made which is completely tax free. To make light of activism is dangerous as it is now running our Unions and our country. The Foundations and other entities that are made for the good of the wealthy philanthropists for tax write offs are now funding the entire global movement. They are the ones behind the World Economic Forum who are aiding and creating our great reset. The funding is massive and tax free because its for the, "good of all". All the wealthy they mean. Our Governments have handed billions of taxpayers money to Financial Institutions that hold massive power and now dictate to other company's on social and environmental policies due to their part ownership or investment into them, such as Blackrock Investments. Activism sits in our Parliament Buildings and Cities Halls, so to make light of activism as not having any power or as just a drop in the bucket compared to the oil and Gas Industry, is dangerous as we see the outcome of their work in Alberta and globally. Was the report necessary? There is credible information and its not difficult to find if one has the time and ambition to go and look. Open Societies, Clinton Foundation, Rockefeller's, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and the Gates Foundation, work to change not just our livelihoods, but our society. They have interfered in elections in free and democratic countries and its done through " activism" .

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Agree that the province’s response over the years has been inadequate. Ignoring the many detractors while hoping that they will simply vanish was a spectacular fail. The stakes were simply to high in terms of provincial well being for wishing and hoping to be the strategy. The momentum from these players is not going to be halted any time soon by any government panel which now more resembles a post mortem.

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I haven't read the inquiry report, yet. I'll see if reactions lead me to that.

For the moment, I sense it was primarily a political messaging exercise in a media war largely played out in the open, in the public democratic arena. I gather, as Jen's and other's reactions suggest, it reported on what it intended to report upon. Kenney promised it while campaigning for the job he got to launch it, amongst other things. So, Albertans are free to spend their money...

I gather the primary conclusion of the report is, there are folks who don't like the oil sands. We know who they are cause we've watched their vids on the U-tube.

No crimes committed. No problems solved. No one's going to jail. The media wars rage on. The planet burns, drowns, while amidst the human frenzy, fresh pleas of benediction.

Actors, clinging to their props, preen for the flashing lights. The audience yells 'action'. The director stumped by his own plot twist, hides in the can.

Enjoy the popcorn while it lasts.

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You must be friends with Matt 😝 he's commented many times just how (sadly) incompetent the CDN goveris.

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The Allan inquiry was--and was intended to be--an expensive 'cheap' political stunt. Nothing more. It deserves no credence.

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