If you don't see the peril here, well, all I can say is enjoy Prime Minister Pierre and all of the inevitable drama that the coming populist wave will entail.
Great opinion piece, Jen. It is somewhat unfortunate that at the same time this protest occurs, public health officials and valid scientific research is showing that for kids mask mandates may not be needed, and that through vaccines (3 doses) and new oral treatments COVID-19 can be managed. It is a fact that restrictions are bound to slowly but surely be rolled back across Canada.
The other disappointment is that while some in the protest do have extremely racist and problematic views (and they should be denounced and prosecuted), the Prime Minister should be the leader of all Canadians, regardless of vaccine status or views on the pandemic or who they voted for or anything else. How hard it is to say "I will meet with you if you agree to leave peacefully after we meet and establish an acceptable communication channel moving forward".? Am I totally wrong here? Probably.
There were very few people that were racist. They were feeding the homeless with their convoy money are trying to keep the crazies in line. Shovelling sidewalks and picking up garbage. There were families there as well. You can never have complete control over a crowd at any protest and that goes for the BLM and all the rest. No buildings were torched (regardless of what the mainstream media say) nor any one harmed and the crime statistics went down. Bet the mainstream media did not tell you about that, now did they.
The comment I directly responded to said the following:
"The other disappointment is that while some in the protest do have extremely racist and problematic views (and they should be denounced and prosecuted"
Almost 90% of my family was sent to concentration camps and killed by the Nazis. Anyone flying that flag should be prosecuted for inciting violence and hate.
Not allowing for the free movement of your compatriots could also be construed as illegal. Same as blocking a highway when other groups with other grievances protested. There are laws being broken.
My great grandparents were killed by a Nazi puppet state and their sympathizers. I do not think that flags should be made illegal. This is not thinking; it's hysterical emoting.
Not allowing the free movement of your compatriots? Are you serious? Our governments literally prevented our movement for 2 years, and not even by introducing new laws. It's fine if the government break their own laws, and protesting this is terrorism!
I merely expect the PM and his government to give the same treatment he gave BLM and surrounding protests. I expect him to kneel with the protesters and have a discussion. I also expect the Ottawa Police Service to issue this statement which they gave to BLM protesters: "We respect the rights of our residents and community members to speak out when they see injustices and we understand the community's deep pain and frustration,"
Hah, Just say it already. You will feel better. ‘They are dirty and stupid. Deserving of our disdain. Bordering on the sub human! They do not deserve freedoms or the right to protest. They should shut up and do as they’re told.’ I think coming out and saying what you really feel will make you feel better and give us a better sense of what we’re dealing with.
We have to define "they"... the protesters are a fairly heterogeneous group. I would say Why meet with people upset with you...
1. Because you are the Primer Minister and you try to govern for everyone, so it shows willingness to speak with fellow Canadians no matter their views.
2. Because you can tell the Nation you tried to engage and convince them to go home and keep the discussion ongoing. Even if he fails I think Canadians would value him trying.
3. Because he can ask them directly why they let individuals carrying nazi symbols and racist and violent messages be there with them. Why they want to over-throw a government with an electoral mandate. And challenge the organizers.
4. And because it just shows leadership.
I don't know if this would be beneficial or detrimental, I just in my gut think most Canadians would appreciate the effort.
That has been ongoing for a long time, for example the Tar Sands Campaign dates back to 2007. The difference is that this impacts the lives of Liberal voters
He should have had to give it after the horrific things he said and the slamming in of the passports in January in a supply chain crisis. Do you realize that everything you see in your grocery store was brought by those truckers. If you notice those shelves empty, thank Trudeau. See them full, thank a trucker. Ps the US truckers are starting the same action on the US side as well. Trudeau gets out what ever he puts in and his incompetence and complete ignorance of the supply chain and how regular people live is what caused this. Trudeau is the one at fault and the bad actor in this but the media work for him so they propagate and tell you the opposite of truth on his behalf. They did not have the luxury to work from home and get two raises like the Government of Canada workers and politicians got nor a taxpayer funded pension when their done.
You never disappointment with your utter ignorance. My god man I explained it in the last long write up I wasted my time on. FYI The truckers were exempt. They are continually going back and forth with or with out vaccines. Remember, we did not have them for the first while. They continue to go back and forth bringing you those fresh veggies. Not rocket science , but we can’t grow all that much in the winter. I know, it’s hard to get you head around but where do you think those fruit and veggies come from in January? Certainly not Saskatchewan. AS I said Trudeau put in the mandate for truckers on January 15 and they lobbied Biden to do the same which he put in on January 26. DO you remember when I said that the truckers had to quarantine for two weeks coming and going if they did not have a vaccine. Well that means it’s pretty much a write off to go. So if you think the supply chain is bad now, wait until the US truckers get wound up. I think they are aiding in the bridge blockade. So Trudeau called them hero's for bringing all the food through the pandemic and then has vilified them after he threw in his stupid mandate. Right at the end. These me have catered to you, who sit at home, watching Netflix and they ensure you have fresh food to order in so you can be safe. Yes and now right as this pandemic is going endemic Trudeau puts in the mandate for truckers. Most are vaccinated because they are not anti vaccine but they are standing up and for all those who can no longer work across this country in all occupations due to not being vaccinated. Mandating a vaccine that is not one hundred percent safe is not only wrong, it’s against every thing in our Constitution and our rights and freedoms. My body my choice is only worthy when it’s a Trudeau talking point to punish those who do not believe in abortion and deny them government funding which was found to be unconstitutional. Now that this is used for vaccine well they you must be a misogynistic, racist, and deplorable for not accepting him dictating what you can do and put in your body. The hypocrisy is flooring enough but his name calling and demeaning of others is unconscionable.
Thanks for straightening me out there Lyle. hello. The pandemic is over why would they put in passports???????????????????? Endemic means we have to live with it. We don’t need vaccine passports. Get over the pandemic dude. It’s done don’t aid in in controlling us!!!!!
But why a new restriction now just as most jurisdictions are starting to open up? This was pure wedge politics. The US Republicans should study the campaign tactics that the Liberal Party has succesfully leveraged to divide and conquer since at least the Keith Davey era.
My modus operandi? You mean our Constitution and our rights and freedoms. That is not a Conservative operandi, that’s actually a liberal one, or was. Remember the days of peace beads and freedom! My god the absolute lack of knowledge is almost pathetic people. Educate yourselves!!!!!!!
Here's a list of rules in force in Ontario right now. These rules are much much more stringent than anything in place in a normal country, presumably because Canadians are risk averse to a fault.
So to recap, having a mid-sized dinner party is illegal, karaoke is illegal, standing at a bar is illegal, watching sports at a large venue is illegal, dancing is illegal.
Yeah, Canada is loads of fun...
social gathering limits of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors
capacity at organized public events to 25 people indoors
capacity limits at 50 per cent in most indoor public settings, including but not limited to:
restaurants, bars, other food or drink establishments without dance facilities and strip clubs
non-spectator areas of facilities used for sports and recreational fitness activities (such as gyms and businesses offering personal fitness training)
meeting and event spaces
museums, galleries, aquariums, zoos, science centres, landmarks, historic sites, botanical gardens and similar attractions
casinos, bingo halls and other gaming establishments
allowing indoor spectator areas of facilities used for sports and recreational fitness activities (such as sporting events), concert venues, and theatres to operate at 50 per cent of the usual seating capacity or 500 people, whichever is less
proof of vaccination requirements would continue to apply in existing settings
singing and dancing in restaurants and bars and other select settings will not be allowed except for workers or performers
requiring the number of patrons permitted to sit at a table in bars and restaurants and meeting and event spaces and other venues at which food or drink is sold or served, including nightclubs, restobars and strip clubs that serve food and drink to be limited to 10 people and patrons must remain seated
requiring patrons to remain seated while eating or drinking at indoor restaurants, bars and other food or drink establishments (with or without dance facilities), sporting events, concert venues, theatres and cinemas, casinos, bingo halls and other gaming establishments, and horse racing tracks, car racing tracks and other similar venues.
Ontario's elite, the folks who lost the US Revolutionary War, are a bunch of risk adverse weirdos who fear working people even more than their own shadows.
Nah. They fear initiative and success that wasn't sanctioned by a Federal institution: ex. growth of the energy industry. It is called Laurentian Tall Poppy Syndrome
BTW - You, Matt and confreres are doing a great job in The Line. Keep up the good work including the civilized discourse in your writing; unfortunately that can’t be guaranteed in the comments section 🧐
I enjoyed reading this article. Hopefully, more Liberal MP's will join Joel Lightboun. Jen made an excellent point that the Liberals feel that they can govern the country with 31% of the popular vote because it is so efficient that it gives them close to 160 seats in Parliament. It's not a good long term strategy because if there is a recession in the next few years, the Liberals could end up losing the next election if their popular vote drops by 3-5%.
I have been following federal politics since the early 1980s & am fascinated how polls change during campaigns. The last election was weird because it led to a result that was virtually identical to the previous parliament. The Liberals had a chance to win a majority had they called the election earlier in the spring. The revival of the Bloc Quebecois under Blanchet makes it very tough for the Liberals or CPC to win a majority government. If the Bloc goes back to winning 50 seats in the next election, you could end up with a CPC minority government.
I just read that many of the mail in votes did not make it to people in time for them to get the votes in to count. There were more voter cards not sent in time to make the difference in the win. Odd is it not.
Yeah all those white Supremests eh? They are everywhere. Mr. Blackface three times is a beaming example of bold face racism and his elitism make him supreme. Get it Racist and white supremest. I guess him being your leader well, I d say you are most likely one too. They have a flag for that in his office I hear. You should bring that to the protest and say it’s the truckers. Just like you did with the other flags. Brilliant move Lye.
Bang on buddy and then I will be a racist just like blackface Trudeau and people like you! Sending out love and hugs. I hear something big will be happening your way. Enjoy.
Carney today in the G&M "In our capital city, many people have been terrorized for more than a week. Women fleeing abuse have been harassed. Many elderly have been too afraid to venture outside their homes for groceries. Families have been deprived of sleep for days on end by the constant barrage of 100 decibel noise. Control over the city’s downtown core, which includes the Parliamentary Precinct, was ceded by the police and taken over by what the chair of the Police Services Board describes as an “insurrection.”
Canadians can be forgiven if they thought this would never happen in Ottawa."
The sky is falling, the sky is falling, the sky is falling! Maybe the protestors should camp out in the areas paid for by the hundreds of millions in tax dollars to the NCC that Ottawans enjoy.
It seems to me that the division is between the "elites" and the rest of us. Sure those in the private sector who can work from home on their computers and those in the public service and academia have trouble understanding why the people who had to work through the pandemic are fed up. The call of the elites: "Just deliver my groceries and get vaxxed."
I have 3 doses so the unvaccinated don't send me into hiding. I wouldn't care if they sat at the next table in the restaurant. I would let them drive trucks with stuff I need. If they are taking up more than their fair share of ICU beds, ask your government how many new ICU beds were opened in the two years of this pandemic.
If Trudeau says he is following the science once more I think I'll puke. If it is true why don't we see the science? Why does the science change with the polls?
Completely agree. Although I prefer to call those in public service and academia the 'pajama' class. The 'elites' are those who have seen their wealth grow exponentially during the pandemic (Gates, Bezos, Pharma execs, the people behind BlackRock, and anyone else hanging out at Davos) while the working class and the poor carry all the burden.
Yes I see them on there and do watch once in awhile. Blackrock is composed of governments around the world infrastructure money and pensions among other things. In other words governments give them taxpayer money to invest in what they please. Build infrastructure with our money and then they will charge us to use it. They buy houses to drive up prices in the housing bubble so regular Canadians can own nothing, have nothing , and be happy. The Royal Bank has gone in with Blackrock’s, aka Larry “Fink. Freeland, Carney, and Fink , are on or we’re on the Board of Trustees for the WEF, so you can pretty much say it’s collusion along with the banks and big business members and the telecommunications and tech companies. You can go to the WEF sight and look under business partners and you can see the the mass collusion and who and why they all made trillions while Canadians and small businesses were sucked dry. Oh but Trudeau took on the debt, so Canadians did not have too! Lol Of course its all just conspiracy theories even if you can see it happening in front of you. Oh but the media keep it under wraps and side track the unwitting into name calling the truckers so They don’t notice anything unusual. It’s sickening but on it goes and the sheep follow like they are lost without direction.. Yes, and we who know better are the bad guys. It’s hysterical except I am running out of chuckles after the decimation of the Constitution and our rights and freedoms. Still we are the Bad guys as portrayed by mainstream news media and the elitist progressives.. Conspiracy theorists you know, finding it’s a lab leak and daring to have the nerve to stand up for our Constitution and rights and freedoms. I am used to the bias, name calling, propagating mainstream media, and I stopped even reading or watching it . I can only stand so many lies before I just walk away. It’s all so pathetic and sad. Yet on it goes. I think they believe we are not bright enough to see truth from fiction. Some don’t know the difference so I suppose it does work for the unknowing, unthinking, and those who eat what they are fed crowd. It’s very difficult to watch when you know the difference. Some people will never get it, as they are invested in the ideology and cult like doctrine of the globalist progressives. They actually believe the Truckers Convoy are the bad guys. I kid you not. Trudeau is the hero according to his media as rights and freedoms are null and void under the Trudeau Communist regime.
I was wondering if BlackRock was having any influence on the Canadian housing market. I just learned about them from watching Breaking Points and how they are buying up housing in the States at inflated prices. In the end, keeping out first time home buyers and turning them into a 'nation of renters'.
Not sure if you watch Breaking Points but they only started up 18ish months ago and they are already seeing more viewership than CNN. And they're the top news podcast on Spotify. They, and Rising, have recently done reports on all the crap the 'elites' are up to at the WEC. I'm really hopeful that with more people turning away from CNN, that maybe more will start to become aware of the damage being caused by people like Gates and Bezos. Until now, I had thought of Trudeau as more of the 'useful idiot' for these people, but it seems he's more involved than I initially thought (from what you said). So, thank you.
Here are two very interesting news clips about the WEC for anyone else that is interested.
I believe one of the government committees are going to be looking into the housing market and see what caused the mass buying spree and who was doing the buying. I do know that Both Vancouver and Toronto have high housing markets due to the money laundering that has been going on by a Chinese gang and others. They were using the casino in Richmond and also in Markham. There are many underground banking systems for the high end rollers from China. The owner of an illegal casino in Markham is a donor to the Trudeau campaign and Justin has met with him. The inquiry in Bc should be coming out with the final decision on this money laundering that went through the casino run by the BC Liberalsand some of the NDP.. It is a big story and I believe Sam Cooper wrote the book on it. He was investigating this and the book is awesome. The name escapes me at this moment. W5 or one of the shows had a documentary on about a Canadian guy selling encrypted phones to the drug guys and in the investigation the FBI caught the Circle Boys leader and many cartel drug leader by taking over the encrypted phones from the owner when they put him in jail.. It’s a great documentary but it’s all tied to the Chinese drug gang and the casinos and they use real estate to clean the money. Hence the housing costs rose in earlier years. This last boom I would say is do to investors such as Black Rick And other big rollers using taxpayers and investors money to take us out of the market. It will come out. If it has not already.
Hey, Lyle. I'm still waiting for you to get back to me on that Danish study proving that the unvaxxed significantly spread more covid around than the fully vaxxed.
Nice try, Lyle, but it is very obvious that you cannot engage in constructive conversation. You throw around these 'ad hominem' attacks and when someone calls on you to back up one of your claims, you can't. What I don't care about is the thoughts and opinions of some internet troll.
And I would have replied sooner, but I was just watching Kenney on a live update. He is removing restrictions and with definite dates. Time for you to go do some venting on Twitter.
You nailed it but many don’t get that. They think it’s Trudeau fighting on behalf of Canadians when it’s exactly the opposite. You can’t even tell them they are being propagated to daily because it’s too hard for them to get their heads around. I mean really who would think that the media would stand by politicians instead of the working man as they are to keep the politicians on the straight and narrow. Now they are paid by politicians and propagate (story tellers) for the elites. It’s so sickening it is hard to stomach and then when other people believe the media’s story, that is what kills me. Bought and paid for news and they tell it off government press releases.
Yes, I've come to see it too. Their bias seems to be becoming so much more obvious now that I'm hopeful more people will catch on. And, as bad as it seems here, it is so much worse in the US. Have you watched Breaking Points or Rising? They both stream on YouTube. They are two of the most non biased news sources I've come across.
Where do you get that I think this is ok? I would rather the truckers go home. I would rather Trudeau never came up with the mandate in the first place. The truckers made their point and Trudeau isn't going to remove the mandate until the polls tell him to. I rarely see demonstrations that don't inconvenience other working people.
FYI: The Liberal government announced in November that Canadian truckers would need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to avoid a 14-day quarantine and testing when they crossed the border from the United States. The policy came into effect Jan. 15.
Look right below my comment and you will see that I wrote this already once before and explained it. You are correct and like I said look below my last comment and see what was written.
Please go and look it up. Trudeau put Canada’s in on the 14, retracted it, and then put it back in on the 15th. Why? Because he needed to be sure Biden would implement his as well, which he did for January 23. I am done explaining to people who can not be bothered to look anything up. Hang on and wait for some one to feed you the news and then tell others they are lying. I am not the mainstream news media so I have no reason to lie to you.
I simply can’t see that Prime Minister Pierre would be worse than what we have now. I’ve seem many, many governments come and go, including Trudeau senior’s, and I can honestly say that the current one is the most inept and damaging one yet. The lack of talent is breathtaking.
My goodness and look at our debt. Trudeau will bankrupt this country and our money will be worth peanuts but hey look at all those goodies you get , until the country collapses. Then it’s each for their own.
The crucial differences are that the BLM march was over in a day, the rail blockades only inconvenienced money, not people (the same reason Ottawa is getting 4X the air-time as the border blockades), and the Occupations didn't have air-horns going 7x24.
A word on "critical" infrastructure: if there's any other way to move the same cargo, it isn't, it's merely a *large* financial inconvenience to take the alternative. BC was cut off from the rest of the country for weeks by Mom Nature; nobody died, so it wasn't "vital" infrastructure. It was "critical" to some businesses, but not society itself, not over a mere week.
The air-horns are the thing. I've never forgotten a great point in Maclean's story on the Incel Truck Mass Murderer, and how proud I was of Constable Ken Lam, who declined to give him a suicide-by-cop; after the guy had made several false draws of a nonexistent gun, Lam reached into his cop car, and turned off the siren. Maclean's noted "with the effect of a crying baby falling silent in a room full of family tension". Lam talked him down. Air-horns, 7x24, would make absolutely anybody start grumbling ugly talk about calling in the Army. I'd be calling in air-strikes by day 3, myself.
Stripped of the air-horn-driven emotions, Canadians would mostly shrug at this. Let 'em yap, and give them nothing, is how it goes for everybody else. The BLM marchers got zero police reform; Occupy got no financial reforms; the Wet'suwet'en got nothing.
I have no idea why Jen would think Canadians, of all the peoples of the Earth, would be striving towards conflict, focusing on the 30% that would support air-strikes, rather than the 60% that voted for parties supporting mandates, just a few months ago. Trudeau will of course pursue the 60%, not the 30%; he will find the most-moderate solution to this mess that he can find, not the most dramatic, chest-puffing, self-aggrandizing, I-am-a-war-leader-who-alone-can-fix-it solution he could find, as Trump would. Yes, JT is a bullshitter and performative politician, but he's a Canadian one. He wants to be loved as the Good Guy, not feared as the Tough Guy.
What part would that be? Horns? Feeding the homeless. Shoveling the sidewalks, guarding the war memorial and Terry Fox statue? Those that are deemed part of the convoy, do they wear a sign saying I am from the convoy? Or could it be random people already there creating the problem. Perhaps others that just show up unannounced. It’s amazing that people can pick out a trucker like that with out knowing or asking? Of corse the media would not overplay anything or say it’s truckers when it’s not. It could be a random Joe blow from Toronto who would know? Not saying there is no trouble but the usual crime has gone way down because they are there. Check the stats.
I would point out that Tam has been wrong consistently throughout the pandemic so its not someone I would quote. However the failure of leadership at the federal level is mind bogging and the consequence is the mess in Ottawa.
Yes and it will continue to as there is no herd immunity. Why? Because to get herd immunity the entire world would need to be vaccinated and while they are shoving third in the wealthy countries the other ones have none.The latest booster does nothing to stop people from getting the virus it does enable them to remain out of hospital. Last I heard omnicrom has jumped to animals and was found in deer. Suprise. Don’t know where that goes from here.
No deer, but don’t worry you will soon hear about it on the CBC, CTV, or global. Maybe even Tam may inform you. Just sit and wait for them to tell you what truth is and I am sure it will be on the news in a day or two. I know you would never take the initiative and perhaps look it up. Like the food those truckers bring you, the ones you continually malign, just sit around and wait for it to show up at your door.
Certainly it would be a disaster to send in the army, think of the countries that have used the military against their own unarmed citizens - Marcos in the Philippines, China in Tiannamen Square cpme to mind. This event requires policing on the streets, forensic accounting & investigation of the organizers. Regina & Toronto, after seeing Ottawa, have so far nipped these protests in the bud with effective policing. We need to see more of that in Coutts, AB & in Ottawa.
As for the ambitious Joel Lightbound, I think he's miffed that he did not get significant appointments in government & is setting up to cross the floor. He could be a heavy hitter in the CPC in Quebec if he joins them.
As for Trudeau causing the US to implement border vaccine requirements, this is laughable. Have those putting this about heard of Keystone XL? Do they really think Trudeau or Canada has that kind of power? This whole blame Trudeau becomes more & more ridiculous.
What’s this about cracking heads? I haven’t seen or heard lefties, or the media, demanding that. Cries to enforce the law in Ottawa have focussed on enforcing existing bylaws respecting noise, harassment, vandalism, and other eruptions of boorishness. Ottawa police have been so timid they will have a credibility problem for a long time to come. The convoy cowboys have done such a masterful job of enraging the public they would be doing themselves a favour by going home. And the “higher orders of government?” What of them? When the going gets tough, they demonstrate once again how crappy they really are at tackling anything that doesn’t lend itself to being turned over to a committee, or better still an expensive consultant. When all else fails, claim lack of jurisdiction. How about pursuing the Deep Throat dictum: you know, Follow the Money to its reputedly foreign sources. Meanwhile I suspect that heads will remain uncracked, as they should. But some political heads belong on pikes. Figuratively speaking, of course.
So a protest is all good if it’s something that you can get behind? If not then it is an occupation of an insurrection. Lefties, my god your hypocrisy is unprecedented. It’s all good as long as your not inconvenienced. Well hello, it’s your turn. We have put up with more leftie protests blocking trafficking and having their little ANTIFA freaks aid in beating old people. But that is just fine, right? HYPOCRITES. Makes me sick. As long as it does not inconvenient the arm chair Ottawa elites eh?
Nice try with the two-handed analysis, Jen - now come to Ottawa and see if you still find this while thing "peaceful." Or even just read and digest what partner Matt has seen. It's a very Trumpified shit show here. As for the PM meeting with the Convoy leaders. Really? an elected leader meets with people demanding the overthrow of the Government (as per MOU of "Canadian Unity" organizers. Have you read that thing, Jen?)
Canada doesn't do overt class battles, unlike what you see in the UK or Spanish speaking world. We have class cringe, paternalism, class signalling and weird class conscious health care laws (like the Canada Health Act). This all is just another battle in that war. It's a working class revolt and the upper middle class media as not going to give up an inch.
It’s about the mandate that Trudeau put in at the border on January 15th for the truckers. They had to have their vaccine passport to get across the border with their loads. If they were unvaccinated they had to quarantine for two weeks, both sides as he lobbied Biden to put one in which went into effect January 22.That would mean they would have to get someone to come and get their load to transport it where it was suppose to end up at due to quarantine. Trudeau Put this in regardless that we are in the middle of a supply crunch, it’s January and this is when we import the most produce due to our winters. Fresh produce can not sit or it rots. Trudeau put it in even though there was a shortage of drivers as well. they can drive with in Canada unvaccinated and go from Province to Province but can not enter the US. This hogtied the unvaccinated and they can no longer haul to the US to which is where the food is. If they sit for two weeks their load is no good and they end up paying for the loss. So while other countries are lifting their restrictions and passports Trudeau is putting them on truckers who through out the pandemic went regardless they had no vaccine and through out the pandemic. I will not bore you with the details of the digital facial recognition passports Trudeau is initiating and he is melding the vaccine passport with your Canada Passport. The border guard knows everything about you before your even close to him.. Many truckers have quit due to the higher costs of gas with Trudeau’s carbon rtaxes aNd the rising prices and this put the nail in the coffin for others. These are men that never leave their cab and are completely safe. So that is what started the rally and as they went along people cheered them as many had lost their jobs, did not want their children vaccinated and they were at every roadside waving and cheering. So that is when they made it about segregating those who did not want the vaccine, them being fired from their jobs, and the vaccine passports at this date when everything should be lifted. These are truckers from all across this country. The people donated 10 million and met them everywhere cheering them to stop the vaccine mandates. They are standing up for every Canadians freedom and the end to all restriction. The virus is an endemic yet Trudeau put those vaccine passports in regardless. One would think it was to anger them as there is no logical reason to do what he did at this time.
So why did JT put in the vaccine mandate at the border for truckers in the middle of a supply chain crisis, nearing the end of the pandemic, in January when Canada most needed cross border trade to feed Canadian's in the dead of winter? Why would he lobby the Biden Government to implement a mandate as well to create a cooperative border state to get those abdicating, anti- vaxing, truckers forced into injecting their vaccine. Why with out a thought of the damage to the already precarious supply chain and the near end to the pandemic? They must have done it to anger the truckers. At least that is the best or most plausible explanation for putting in such a ridiculous policy..
The trucking industry had indicated they were really short of drivers and that 80% of those remaining were already vaccinated but Trudeau implemented his mandate anyway. Those who dare to disagree with his purposeful lunacy were labelled fearmongers. The mainstream media was immediately on the scene to ensure that Canadian's knew Trudeau was protecting them from the big bad virus and those nasty fearmongering, white supremist, racists, misogynists', and the fringe minority. The deplorables.
There would be another "insurrection". Emergency powers would be needed to control these deplorables. So lets us turn off the cameras along the main streets where the deplorables all are, so as to not witness the uprising. Yes and the mainstream media was there to partake and picture those two flags, the Nazi and confederate flag. Canadians must see how racist and hateful these people truly are. The media was sure to get those pictures of those desecrating a statue with a flag and a sign, imagine that! They must be truly evil people. Alas the statue was not toppled and laying headless on the ground like in other more peaceful protests with social justice warriors. Yes these truckers were of great danger to democracy! We must denounce them for using their rights and freedoms, we cant have that! The mayor and police chief must decry these inhumane people and we must invoke emergency powers to stop them from destroying our democracy!
Yes Canada, its the Trudeau Liberal, mainstream media, drama of the Year. It should win an award at the next Oscars for their performance. I am sure Justin Trudeau will be up for best actor in starring role and they shall win picture of the year. Good god Canada, it is almost hilarious, if it was not so low and pitiful. The mainstream media will never recover from their part in this production. Never.
Trudeau is/was a populist as well. He was elected in "The Great Populist Tide" that also elected Donald Trump and Xi Jiiaping and now Canada, just like the US, is suffering because of the divisive leadership both used to inflate their own egos.
A populist is a man for the population or the people. It is not a bad name except to the globalist elites that are getting very wealthy off their taxpayers and spread their money globaly. Globalist progressives are Trudeau and the elites who look down on us peons and dictate. PP is for the people. Hence populist.
Great opinion piece, Jen. It is somewhat unfortunate that at the same time this protest occurs, public health officials and valid scientific research is showing that for kids mask mandates may not be needed, and that through vaccines (3 doses) and new oral treatments COVID-19 can be managed. It is a fact that restrictions are bound to slowly but surely be rolled back across Canada.
The other disappointment is that while some in the protest do have extremely racist and problematic views (and they should be denounced and prosecuted), the Prime Minister should be the leader of all Canadians, regardless of vaccine status or views on the pandemic or who they voted for or anything else. How hard it is to say "I will meet with you if you agree to leave peacefully after we meet and establish an acceptable communication channel moving forward".? Am I totally wrong here? Probably.
There were very few people that were racist. They were feeding the homeless with their convoy money are trying to keep the crazies in line. Shovelling sidewalks and picking up garbage. There were families there as well. You can never have complete control over a crowd at any protest and that goes for the BLM and all the rest. No buildings were torched (regardless of what the mainstream media say) nor any one harmed and the crime statistics went down. Bet the mainstream media did not tell you about that, now did they.
Do we prosecute people in Canada for their odious opinions now? Don't tell the police about any comment sections...
The comment I directly responded to said the following:
"The other disappointment is that while some in the protest do have extremely racist and problematic views (and they should be denounced and prosecuted"
You might try reading more carefully.
Almost 90% of my family was sent to concentration camps and killed by the Nazis. Anyone flying that flag should be prosecuted for inciting violence and hate.
Not allowing for the free movement of your compatriots could also be construed as illegal. Same as blocking a highway when other groups with other grievances protested. There are laws being broken.
My great grandparents were killed by a Nazi puppet state and their sympathizers. I do not think that flags should be made illegal. This is not thinking; it's hysterical emoting.
Not allowing the free movement of your compatriots? Are you serious? Our governments literally prevented our movement for 2 years, and not even by introducing new laws. It's fine if the government break their own laws, and protesting this is terrorism!
I merely expect the PM and his government to give the same treatment he gave BLM and surrounding protests. I expect him to kneel with the protesters and have a discussion. I also expect the Ottawa Police Service to issue this statement which they gave to BLM protesters: "We respect the rights of our residents and community members to speak out when they see injustices and we understand the community's deep pain and frustration,"
Hah, Just say it already. You will feel better. ‘They are dirty and stupid. Deserving of our disdain. Bordering on the sub human! They do not deserve freedoms or the right to protest. They should shut up and do as they’re told.’ I think coming out and saying what you really feel will make you feel better and give us a better sense of what we’re dealing with.
Honking is merely the language of the unheard.
Nope. Not wrong.
We have to define "they"... the protesters are a fairly heterogeneous group. I would say Why meet with people upset with you...
1. Because you are the Primer Minister and you try to govern for everyone, so it shows willingness to speak with fellow Canadians no matter their views.
2. Because you can tell the Nation you tried to engage and convince them to go home and keep the discussion ongoing. Even if he fails I think Canadians would value him trying.
3. Because he can ask them directly why they let individuals carrying nazi symbols and racist and violent messages be there with them. Why they want to over-throw a government with an electoral mandate. And challenge the organizers.
4. And because it just shows leadership.
I don't know if this would be beneficial or detrimental, I just in my gut think most Canadians would appreciate the effort.
Yes, I think they would, especially those from coast to coast, that stood waving their flags on our overpasses & highways.
That has been ongoing for a long time, for example the Tar Sands Campaign dates back to 2007. The difference is that this impacts the lives of Liberal voters
Yet "foreign involvement" didn't matter until it impacted Ontario livlih
...and conjuring that narrative is a likely strategy for the Liberal war room
He should have had to give it after the horrific things he said and the slamming in of the passports in January in a supply chain crisis. Do you realize that everything you see in your grocery store was brought by those truckers. If you notice those shelves empty, thank Trudeau. See them full, thank a trucker. Ps the US truckers are starting the same action on the US side as well. Trudeau gets out what ever he puts in and his incompetence and complete ignorance of the supply chain and how regular people live is what caused this. Trudeau is the one at fault and the bad actor in this but the media work for him so they propagate and tell you the opposite of truth on his behalf. They did not have the luxury to work from home and get two raises like the Government of Canada workers and politicians got nor a taxpayer funded pension when their done.
You never disappointment with your utter ignorance. My god man I explained it in the last long write up I wasted my time on. FYI The truckers were exempt. They are continually going back and forth with or with out vaccines. Remember, we did not have them for the first while. They continue to go back and forth bringing you those fresh veggies. Not rocket science , but we can’t grow all that much in the winter. I know, it’s hard to get you head around but where do you think those fruit and veggies come from in January? Certainly not Saskatchewan. AS I said Trudeau put in the mandate for truckers on January 15 and they lobbied Biden to do the same which he put in on January 26. DO you remember when I said that the truckers had to quarantine for two weeks coming and going if they did not have a vaccine. Well that means it’s pretty much a write off to go. So if you think the supply chain is bad now, wait until the US truckers get wound up. I think they are aiding in the bridge blockade. So Trudeau called them hero's for bringing all the food through the pandemic and then has vilified them after he threw in his stupid mandate. Right at the end. These me have catered to you, who sit at home, watching Netflix and they ensure you have fresh food to order in so you can be safe. Yes and now right as this pandemic is going endemic Trudeau puts in the mandate for truckers. Most are vaccinated because they are not anti vaccine but they are standing up and for all those who can no longer work across this country in all occupations due to not being vaccinated. Mandating a vaccine that is not one hundred percent safe is not only wrong, it’s against every thing in our Constitution and our rights and freedoms. My body my choice is only worthy when it’s a Trudeau talking point to punish those who do not believe in abortion and deny them government funding which was found to be unconstitutional. Now that this is used for vaccine well they you must be a misogynistic, racist, and deplorable for not accepting him dictating what you can do and put in your body. The hypocrisy is flooring enough but his name calling and demeaning of others is unconscionable.
Thanks for straightening me out there Lyle. hello. The pandemic is over why would they put in passports???????????????????? Endemic means we have to live with it. We don’t need vaccine passports. Get over the pandemic dude. It’s done don’t aid in in controlling us!!!!!
But why a new restriction now just as most jurisdictions are starting to open up? This was pure wedge politics. The US Republicans should study the campaign tactics that the Liberal Party has succesfully leveraged to divide and conquer since at least the Keith Davey era.
'Other countries have invasive and unjustifiable measures, so that excuses ours.'
See, I read your response as: questions of the morality of measures must be underpinned by how economically viable they are.
My modus operandi? You mean our Constitution and our rights and freedoms. That is not a Conservative operandi, that’s actually a liberal one, or was. Remember the days of peace beads and freedom! My god the absolute lack of knowledge is almost pathetic people. Educate yourselves!!!!!!!
Here's a list of rules in force in Ontario right now. These rules are much much more stringent than anything in place in a normal country, presumably because Canadians are risk averse to a fault.
So to recap, having a mid-sized dinner party is illegal, karaoke is illegal, standing at a bar is illegal, watching sports at a large venue is illegal, dancing is illegal.
Yeah, Canada is loads of fun...
social gathering limits of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors
capacity at organized public events to 25 people indoors
capacity limits at 50 per cent in most indoor public settings, including but not limited to:
restaurants, bars, other food or drink establishments without dance facilities and strip clubs
non-spectator areas of facilities used for sports and recreational fitness activities (such as gyms and businesses offering personal fitness training)
meeting and event spaces
museums, galleries, aquariums, zoos, science centres, landmarks, historic sites, botanical gardens and similar attractions
casinos, bingo halls and other gaming establishments
allowing indoor spectator areas of facilities used for sports and recreational fitness activities (such as sporting events), concert venues, and theatres to operate at 50 per cent of the usual seating capacity or 500 people, whichever is less
proof of vaccination requirements would continue to apply in existing settings
singing and dancing in restaurants and bars and other select settings will not be allowed except for workers or performers
requiring the number of patrons permitted to sit at a table in bars and restaurants and meeting and event spaces and other venues at which food or drink is sold or served, including nightclubs, restobars and strip clubs that serve food and drink to be limited to 10 people and patrons must remain seated
requiring patrons to remain seated while eating or drinking at indoor restaurants, bars and other food or drink establishments (with or without dance facilities), sporting events, concert venues, theatres and cinemas, casinos, bingo halls and other gaming establishments, and horse racing tracks, car racing tracks and other similar venues.
Ontario's elite, the folks who lost the US Revolutionary War, are a bunch of risk adverse weirdos who fear working people even more than their own shadows.
Nah. They fear initiative and success that wasn't sanctioned by a Federal institution: ex. growth of the energy industry. It is called Laurentian Tall Poppy Syndrome
You might find this useful to read as you try to learn how to speak to other people.
Hope this helps. Best,
and when we all get vaccinated it will end, or when we all get a booster...
which is not the same as freedom
BTW - You, Matt and confreres are doing a great job in The Line. Keep up the good work including the civilized discourse in your writing; unfortunately that can’t be guaranteed in the comments section 🧐
I enjoyed reading this article. Hopefully, more Liberal MP's will join Joel Lightboun. Jen made an excellent point that the Liberals feel that they can govern the country with 31% of the popular vote because it is so efficient that it gives them close to 160 seats in Parliament. It's not a good long term strategy because if there is a recession in the next few years, the Liberals could end up losing the next election if their popular vote drops by 3-5%.
I think the CPC polls won't be useful until there is a new leader in place.
I have been following federal politics since the early 1980s & am fascinated how polls change during campaigns. The last election was weird because it led to a result that was virtually identical to the previous parliament. The Liberals had a chance to win a majority had they called the election earlier in the spring. The revival of the Bloc Quebecois under Blanchet makes it very tough for the Liberals or CPC to win a majority government. If the Bloc goes back to winning 50 seats in the next election, you could end up with a CPC minority government.
I just read that many of the mail in votes did not make it to people in time for them to get the votes in to count. There were more voter cards not sent in time to make the difference in the win. Odd is it not.
It is odd that this wasn't a bigger story. I hope that the 200,000 votes that weren't counted didn't affect any seat counts for the parties.
Yeah all those white Supremests eh? They are everywhere. Mr. Blackface three times is a beaming example of bold face racism and his elitism make him supreme. Get it Racist and white supremest. I guess him being your leader well, I d say you are most likely one too. They have a flag for that in his office I hear. You should bring that to the protest and say it’s the truckers. Just like you did with the other flags. Brilliant move Lye.
but will they support a woman's right to choose?
Bang on buddy and then I will be a racist just like blackface Trudeau and people like you! Sending out love and hugs. I hear something big will be happening your way. Enjoy.
Carney today in the G&M "In our capital city, many people have been terrorized for more than a week. Women fleeing abuse have been harassed. Many elderly have been too afraid to venture outside their homes for groceries. Families have been deprived of sleep for days on end by the constant barrage of 100 decibel noise. Control over the city’s downtown core, which includes the Parliamentary Precinct, was ceded by the police and taken over by what the chair of the Police Services Board describes as an “insurrection.”
Canadians can be forgiven if they thought this would never happen in Ottawa."
The sky is falling, the sky is falling, the sky is falling! Maybe the protestors should camp out in the areas paid for by the hundreds of millions in tax dollars to the NCC that Ottawans enjoy.
It seems to me that the division is between the "elites" and the rest of us. Sure those in the private sector who can work from home on their computers and those in the public service and academia have trouble understanding why the people who had to work through the pandemic are fed up. The call of the elites: "Just deliver my groceries and get vaxxed."
I have 3 doses so the unvaccinated don't send me into hiding. I wouldn't care if they sat at the next table in the restaurant. I would let them drive trucks with stuff I need. If they are taking up more than their fair share of ICU beds, ask your government how many new ICU beds were opened in the two years of this pandemic.
If Trudeau says he is following the science once more I think I'll puke. If it is true why don't we see the science? Why does the science change with the polls?
Completely agree. Although I prefer to call those in public service and academia the 'pajama' class. The 'elites' are those who have seen their wealth grow exponentially during the pandemic (Gates, Bezos, Pharma execs, the people behind BlackRock, and anyone else hanging out at Davos) while the working class and the poor carry all the burden.
Yes I see them on there and do watch once in awhile. Blackrock is composed of governments around the world infrastructure money and pensions among other things. In other words governments give them taxpayer money to invest in what they please. Build infrastructure with our money and then they will charge us to use it. They buy houses to drive up prices in the housing bubble so regular Canadians can own nothing, have nothing , and be happy. The Royal Bank has gone in with Blackrock’s, aka Larry “Fink. Freeland, Carney, and Fink , are on or we’re on the Board of Trustees for the WEF, so you can pretty much say it’s collusion along with the banks and big business members and the telecommunications and tech companies. You can go to the WEF sight and look under business partners and you can see the the mass collusion and who and why they all made trillions while Canadians and small businesses were sucked dry. Oh but Trudeau took on the debt, so Canadians did not have too! Lol Of course its all just conspiracy theories even if you can see it happening in front of you. Oh but the media keep it under wraps and side track the unwitting into name calling the truckers so They don’t notice anything unusual. It’s sickening but on it goes and the sheep follow like they are lost without direction.. Yes, and we who know better are the bad guys. It’s hysterical except I am running out of chuckles after the decimation of the Constitution and our rights and freedoms. Still we are the Bad guys as portrayed by mainstream news media and the elitist progressives.. Conspiracy theorists you know, finding it’s a lab leak and daring to have the nerve to stand up for our Constitution and rights and freedoms. I am used to the bias, name calling, propagating mainstream media, and I stopped even reading or watching it . I can only stand so many lies before I just walk away. It’s all so pathetic and sad. Yet on it goes. I think they believe we are not bright enough to see truth from fiction. Some don’t know the difference so I suppose it does work for the unknowing, unthinking, and those who eat what they are fed crowd. It’s very difficult to watch when you know the difference. Some people will never get it, as they are invested in the ideology and cult like doctrine of the globalist progressives. They actually believe the Truckers Convoy are the bad guys. I kid you not. Trudeau is the hero according to his media as rights and freedoms are null and void under the Trudeau Communist regime.
I was wondering if BlackRock was having any influence on the Canadian housing market. I just learned about them from watching Breaking Points and how they are buying up housing in the States at inflated prices. In the end, keeping out first time home buyers and turning them into a 'nation of renters'.
Not sure if you watch Breaking Points but they only started up 18ish months ago and they are already seeing more viewership than CNN. And they're the top news podcast on Spotify. They, and Rising, have recently done reports on all the crap the 'elites' are up to at the WEC. I'm really hopeful that with more people turning away from CNN, that maybe more will start to become aware of the damage being caused by people like Gates and Bezos. Until now, I had thought of Trudeau as more of the 'useful idiot' for these people, but it seems he's more involved than I initially thought (from what you said). So, thank you.
Here are two very interesting news clips about the WEC for anyone else that is interested.
Breaking Points: https://youtu.be/34mLvfY7bFw
Rising: https://youtu.be/JWRScUZPrWY
I believe one of the government committees are going to be looking into the housing market and see what caused the mass buying spree and who was doing the buying. I do know that Both Vancouver and Toronto have high housing markets due to the money laundering that has been going on by a Chinese gang and others. They were using the casino in Richmond and also in Markham. There are many underground banking systems for the high end rollers from China. The owner of an illegal casino in Markham is a donor to the Trudeau campaign and Justin has met with him. The inquiry in Bc should be coming out with the final decision on this money laundering that went through the casino run by the BC Liberalsand some of the NDP.. It is a big story and I believe Sam Cooper wrote the book on it. He was investigating this and the book is awesome. The name escapes me at this moment. W5 or one of the shows had a documentary on about a Canadian guy selling encrypted phones to the drug guys and in the investigation the FBI caught the Circle Boys leader and many cartel drug leader by taking over the encrypted phones from the owner when they put him in jail.. It’s a great documentary but it’s all tied to the Chinese drug gang and the casinos and they use real estate to clean the money. Hence the housing costs rose in earlier years. This last boom I would say is do to investors such as Black Rick And other big rollers using taxpayers and investors money to take us out of the market. It will come out. If it has not already.
Hey, Lyle. I'm still waiting for you to get back to me on that Danish study proving that the unvaxxed significantly spread more covid around than the fully vaxxed.
Nice try, Lyle, but it is very obvious that you cannot engage in constructive conversation. You throw around these 'ad hominem' attacks and when someone calls on you to back up one of your claims, you can't. What I don't care about is the thoughts and opinions of some internet troll.
And I would have replied sooner, but I was just watching Kenney on a live update. He is removing restrictions and with definite dates. Time for you to go do some venting on Twitter.
You nailed it but many don’t get that. They think it’s Trudeau fighting on behalf of Canadians when it’s exactly the opposite. You can’t even tell them they are being propagated to daily because it’s too hard for them to get their heads around. I mean really who would think that the media would stand by politicians instead of the working man as they are to keep the politicians on the straight and narrow. Now they are paid by politicians and propagate (story tellers) for the elites. It’s so sickening it is hard to stomach and then when other people believe the media’s story, that is what kills me. Bought and paid for news and they tell it off government press releases.
Yes, I've come to see it too. Their bias seems to be becoming so much more obvious now that I'm hopeful more people will catch on. And, as bad as it seems here, it is so much worse in the US. Have you watched Breaking Points or Rising? They both stream on YouTube. They are two of the most non biased news sources I've come across.
Where do you get that I think this is ok? I would rather the truckers go home. I would rather Trudeau never came up with the mandate in the first place. The truckers made their point and Trudeau isn't going to remove the mandate until the polls tell him to. I rarely see demonstrations that don't inconvenience other working people.
FYI: The Liberal government announced in November that Canadian truckers would need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to avoid a 14-day quarantine and testing when they crossed the border from the United States. The policy came into effect Jan. 15.
US mandate went into effect on Jan 22.
Exactly why Canadian mandate is not required :)
Look right below my comment and you will see that I wrote this already once before and explained it. You are correct and like I said look below my last comment and see what was written.
Great minds...
See this is what gets me. Go and look that Information up, we already have the media spreading misinformation we don’t more of it going around.
Please go and look it up. Trudeau put Canada’s in on the 14, retracted it, and then put it back in on the 15th. Why? Because he needed to be sure Biden would implement his as well, which he did for January 23. I am done explaining to people who can not be bothered to look anything up. Hang on and wait for some one to feed you the news and then tell others they are lying. I am not the mainstream news media so I have no reason to lie to you.
I simply can’t see that Prime Minister Pierre would be worse than what we have now. I’ve seem many, many governments come and go, including Trudeau senior’s, and I can honestly say that the current one is the most inept and damaging one yet. The lack of talent is breathtaking.
I believe that Chretien or Martin would have done a better job dealing with the trucker crisis.
Chretien would have at least met the truckers in hand to hand combat. :D
I remember when Chretien gave a "Shawinigan handshake" to a protester in 1995.
Please give us an exact summary of their successes. Extra points for including a cost-benefits analysis.
My goodness and look at our debt. Trudeau will bankrupt this country and our money will be worth peanuts but hey look at all those goodies you get , until the country collapses. Then it’s each for their own.
The crucial differences are that the BLM march was over in a day, the rail blockades only inconvenienced money, not people (the same reason Ottawa is getting 4X the air-time as the border blockades), and the Occupations didn't have air-horns going 7x24.
A word on "critical" infrastructure: if there's any other way to move the same cargo, it isn't, it's merely a *large* financial inconvenience to take the alternative. BC was cut off from the rest of the country for weeks by Mom Nature; nobody died, so it wasn't "vital" infrastructure. It was "critical" to some businesses, but not society itself, not over a mere week.
The air-horns are the thing. I've never forgotten a great point in Maclean's story on the Incel Truck Mass Murderer, and how proud I was of Constable Ken Lam, who declined to give him a suicide-by-cop; after the guy had made several false draws of a nonexistent gun, Lam reached into his cop car, and turned off the siren. Maclean's noted "with the effect of a crying baby falling silent in a room full of family tension". Lam talked him down. Air-horns, 7x24, would make absolutely anybody start grumbling ugly talk about calling in the Army. I'd be calling in air-strikes by day 3, myself.
Stripped of the air-horn-driven emotions, Canadians would mostly shrug at this. Let 'em yap, and give them nothing, is how it goes for everybody else. The BLM marchers got zero police reform; Occupy got no financial reforms; the Wet'suwet'en got nothing.
I have no idea why Jen would think Canadians, of all the peoples of the Earth, would be striving towards conflict, focusing on the 30% that would support air-strikes, rather than the 60% that voted for parties supporting mandates, just a few months ago. Trudeau will of course pursue the 60%, not the 30%; he will find the most-moderate solution to this mess that he can find, not the most dramatic, chest-puffing, self-aggrandizing, I-am-a-war-leader-who-alone-can-fix-it solution he could find, as Trump would. Yes, JT is a bullshitter and performative politician, but he's a Canadian one. He wants to be loved as the Good Guy, not feared as the Tough Guy.
Really thoughtful post. I can only add I am not looking forward to other protesters imitating the worse parts of this protest.
What part would that be? Horns? Feeding the homeless. Shoveling the sidewalks, guarding the war memorial and Terry Fox statue? Those that are deemed part of the convoy, do they wear a sign saying I am from the convoy? Or could it be random people already there creating the problem. Perhaps others that just show up unannounced. It’s amazing that people can pick out a trucker like that with out knowing or asking? Of corse the media would not overplay anything or say it’s truckers when it’s not. It could be a random Joe blow from Toronto who would know? Not saying there is no trouble but the usual crime has gone way down because they are there. Check the stats.
I would point out that Tam has been wrong consistently throughout the pandemic so its not someone I would quote. However the failure of leadership at the federal level is mind bogging and the consequence is the mess in Ottawa.
Yes and it will continue to as there is no herd immunity. Why? Because to get herd immunity the entire world would need to be vaccinated and while they are shoving third in the wealthy countries the other ones have none.The latest booster does nothing to stop people from getting the virus it does enable them to remain out of hospital. Last I heard omnicrom has jumped to animals and was found in deer. Suprise. Don’t know where that goes from here.
No deer, but don’t worry you will soon hear about it on the CBC, CTV, or global. Maybe even Tam may inform you. Just sit and wait for them to tell you what truth is and I am sure it will be on the news in a day or two. I know you would never take the initiative and perhaps look it up. Like the food those truckers bring you, the ones you continually malign, just sit around and wait for it to show up at your door.
Down playing the pandemic
Airports were not a problem
Masks did not work.
The author quoted her.
Oh yes she did. Read the damming report of the auditor General on her failings in proparing for the pandemic as well.
Certainly it would be a disaster to send in the army, think of the countries that have used the military against their own unarmed citizens - Marcos in the Philippines, China in Tiannamen Square cpme to mind. This event requires policing on the streets, forensic accounting & investigation of the organizers. Regina & Toronto, after seeing Ottawa, have so far nipped these protests in the bud with effective policing. We need to see more of that in Coutts, AB & in Ottawa.
As for the ambitious Joel Lightbound, I think he's miffed that he did not get significant appointments in government & is setting up to cross the floor. He could be a heavy hitter in the CPC in Quebec if he joins them.
As for Trudeau causing the US to implement border vaccine requirements, this is laughable. Have those putting this about heard of Keystone XL? Do they really think Trudeau or Canada has that kind of power? This whole blame Trudeau becomes more & more ridiculous.
Thanks for the thoughtful analysis.
Good read. I think PP would make a far better PM than JT, though. Seriously, could anyone be worse than the current buffoon?
What’s this about cracking heads? I haven’t seen or heard lefties, or the media, demanding that. Cries to enforce the law in Ottawa have focussed on enforcing existing bylaws respecting noise, harassment, vandalism, and other eruptions of boorishness. Ottawa police have been so timid they will have a credibility problem for a long time to come. The convoy cowboys have done such a masterful job of enraging the public they would be doing themselves a favour by going home. And the “higher orders of government?” What of them? When the going gets tough, they demonstrate once again how crappy they really are at tackling anything that doesn’t lend itself to being turned over to a committee, or better still an expensive consultant. When all else fails, claim lack of jurisdiction. How about pursuing the Deep Throat dictum: you know, Follow the Money to its reputedly foreign sources. Meanwhile I suspect that heads will remain uncracked, as they should. But some political heads belong on pikes. Figuratively speaking, of course.
So a protest is all good if it’s something that you can get behind? If not then it is an occupation of an insurrection. Lefties, my god your hypocrisy is unprecedented. It’s all good as long as your not inconvenienced. Well hello, it’s your turn. We have put up with more leftie protests blocking trafficking and having their little ANTIFA freaks aid in beating old people. But that is just fine, right? HYPOCRITES. Makes me sick. As long as it does not inconvenient the arm chair Ottawa elites eh?
Nice try with the two-handed analysis, Jen - now come to Ottawa and see if you still find this while thing "peaceful." Or even just read and digest what partner Matt has seen. It's a very Trumpified shit show here. As for the PM meeting with the Convoy leaders. Really? an elected leader meets with people demanding the overthrow of the Government (as per MOU of "Canadian Unity" organizers. Have you read that thing, Jen?)
Matt and I are in regular contact -- obviously. And I make explicit mention of the MOU and the absurdity of those demands in this very piece. JG.
Canada doesn't do overt class battles, unlike what you see in the UK or Spanish speaking world. We have class cringe, paternalism, class signalling and weird class conscious health care laws (like the Canada Health Act). This all is just another battle in that war. It's a working class revolt and the upper middle class media as not going to give up an inch.
It’s about the mandate that Trudeau put in at the border on January 15th for the truckers. They had to have their vaccine passport to get across the border with their loads. If they were unvaccinated they had to quarantine for two weeks, both sides as he lobbied Biden to put one in which went into effect January 22.That would mean they would have to get someone to come and get their load to transport it where it was suppose to end up at due to quarantine. Trudeau Put this in regardless that we are in the middle of a supply crunch, it’s January and this is when we import the most produce due to our winters. Fresh produce can not sit or it rots. Trudeau put it in even though there was a shortage of drivers as well. they can drive with in Canada unvaccinated and go from Province to Province but can not enter the US. This hogtied the unvaccinated and they can no longer haul to the US to which is where the food is. If they sit for two weeks their load is no good and they end up paying for the loss. So while other countries are lifting their restrictions and passports Trudeau is putting them on truckers who through out the pandemic went regardless they had no vaccine and through out the pandemic. I will not bore you with the details of the digital facial recognition passports Trudeau is initiating and he is melding the vaccine passport with your Canada Passport. The border guard knows everything about you before your even close to him.. Many truckers have quit due to the higher costs of gas with Trudeau’s carbon rtaxes aNd the rising prices and this put the nail in the coffin for others. These are men that never leave their cab and are completely safe. So that is what started the rally and as they went along people cheered them as many had lost their jobs, did not want their children vaccinated and they were at every roadside waving and cheering. So that is when they made it about segregating those who did not want the vaccine, them being fired from their jobs, and the vaccine passports at this date when everything should be lifted. These are truckers from all across this country. The people donated 10 million and met them everywhere cheering them to stop the vaccine mandates. They are standing up for every Canadians freedom and the end to all restriction. The virus is an endemic yet Trudeau put those vaccine passports in regardless. One would think it was to anger them as there is no logical reason to do what he did at this time.
So why did JT put in the vaccine mandate at the border for truckers in the middle of a supply chain crisis, nearing the end of the pandemic, in January when Canada most needed cross border trade to feed Canadian's in the dead of winter? Why would he lobby the Biden Government to implement a mandate as well to create a cooperative border state to get those abdicating, anti- vaxing, truckers forced into injecting their vaccine. Why with out a thought of the damage to the already precarious supply chain and the near end to the pandemic? They must have done it to anger the truckers. At least that is the best or most plausible explanation for putting in such a ridiculous policy..
The trucking industry had indicated they were really short of drivers and that 80% of those remaining were already vaccinated but Trudeau implemented his mandate anyway. Those who dare to disagree with his purposeful lunacy were labelled fearmongers. The mainstream media was immediately on the scene to ensure that Canadian's knew Trudeau was protecting them from the big bad virus and those nasty fearmongering, white supremist, racists, misogynists', and the fringe minority. The deplorables.
There would be another "insurrection". Emergency powers would be needed to control these deplorables. So lets us turn off the cameras along the main streets where the deplorables all are, so as to not witness the uprising. Yes and the mainstream media was there to partake and picture those two flags, the Nazi and confederate flag. Canadians must see how racist and hateful these people truly are. The media was sure to get those pictures of those desecrating a statue with a flag and a sign, imagine that! They must be truly evil people. Alas the statue was not toppled and laying headless on the ground like in other more peaceful protests with social justice warriors. Yes these truckers were of great danger to democracy! We must denounce them for using their rights and freedoms, we cant have that! The mayor and police chief must decry these inhumane people and we must invoke emergency powers to stop them from destroying our democracy!
Yes Canada, its the Trudeau Liberal, mainstream media, drama of the Year. It should win an award at the next Oscars for their performance. I am sure Justin Trudeau will be up for best actor in starring role and they shall win picture of the year. Good god Canada, it is almost hilarious, if it was not so low and pitiful. The mainstream media will never recover from their part in this production. Never.
Trudeau is/was a populist as well. He was elected in "The Great Populist Tide" that also elected Donald Trump and Xi Jiiaping and now Canada, just like the US, is suffering because of the divisive leadership both used to inflate their own egos.
Exactly what makes Pierre Poilievre a populist? The man clearly has broad appeal and the charisma to win elections. But does that make him a populist?
A populist is a man for the population or the people. It is not a bad name except to the globalist elites that are getting very wealthy off their taxpayers and spread their money globaly. Globalist progressives are Trudeau and the elites who look down on us peons and dictate. PP is for the people. Hence populist.