Jun 23, 2023Liked by Line Editor

I subscribe to The Line for the insightful commentary, and for the way The Line tries to open up debate to all sides. But I love The Line for the times, every few months, when either Matt gets put on a plane and writes uncomfortably about travel, or when Jen absolutely loses her shit. Yeah, that's what earns the love.

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Brilliant. Just brilliant. Thank you. This angry, funny, spot-on piece applies to just about everything coming from our ideological, virtue-signaling, nanny-state overlords these days.

With two exceptions, I've voted NDP/ Liberal since 1972, but JFC, enough!

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Line Editor

Thanks for this Gerson. I hope that writing this was at least cathartic.

I have a related story: I had a really simple question that wasn't answered in the FAQ of the fed department's website. So, unreasonably, I called a public servant this morning (well after 9:00 AM, it ought to be said). I won't identify the department because, really, it's not relevant anymore -- this is a fed-wide disease. My call rang then went to voicemail. A cheerfully recorded Karen's voice told me (in both official languages) that their department was 1) at minimum staffing due to COVID-19 (um...still?), 2) to please send an email instead, and 3) DO NOT leave a voicemail. Nice. Thanks for nothing.

Back to your article, clearly, nobody in Alberta is even capable of being environmentally conscious because y'all are climate change deniers! This is exactly what drives Canadians (who make the clearly unconscionable choice to live somewhere not within the shadows of the Laurentian Mountains) absolutely bonkers.

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Jen . . . Right on. As an Ontario resident your opinion is country wide. I was previously a Liberal supporter but have come to despise JT and his party. At 76, I am sad and angry what he and his father have done to Canada in my lifetime. It's not adversity to change but all of the missed opportunities for greatness. Instead we have spent a lifetime self absorbed in redefining our existence as a country.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Line Editor

But, but...if the application of discernment, context, and consideration of the material facts at hand was used, it would increase the effort required, and more importantly, not resolve into a simple one size fits all solution. These 'easy' solutions are what passes for the progressive project these days. Complexity is feared above all else as it shows the 'hopey-changey' initiatives to be subject to reality. Better to impose and then ignore the consequences or hand it over to the 'comms team' to figure out how it was actually the fault of the citizenry in the first place. Muppets, indeed.

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Every line of this brilliant and funny piece is dead on - Jen Gerson you have spoken for the entire country. This government is terminal and has left the bureaucracy to its own devices. There is no one at home and they have lost the keys.

I was a senior manager in the federal government in Ottawa. I know what thoughtful, effective management is and this government is not it. Keep screaming from the rooftops !

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Line Editor

Jen, you just earned a subscription from me! As a fellow Westerner, I appreciate your common sense, straight-shooting words. Thanks for making me laugh out loud this morning and for pointing out what any sensible person already knows - that our government is broken beyond repair.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023Liked by Line Editor


I thought the snark level was already off the charts... and then I hit "Come, Maude,..."

Just a fantastic piece.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Line Editor

I couldn't love this any more if I lived in Calgary, which I don't. Jen, you hit this one out of the park. Brilliant, and right on target. We are so broken. I always appreciate and enjoy the insightful commentary from The Line, even when I don't agree (which isn't often), but when you or Matt loses it, you make my day. It's almost worth the crap that causes you to go ballistic. Don't ever stop.

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We tried to tell the Karens in ECCC. Tried and tried and tried. But they aren't Crown servants anymore, they became Guillbeaut's activists. It's pathetic.

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Jen manages to articulate what thousands (tens of thousands, probably) of our fellow Calgary COOP members are thinking! Bravo!!

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I’ve encountered this before - government policy based on a shallow understanding of the issue that largely seems informed by a TED Talk or talking points from activist groups with access. What I don’t know is how much blame to allocate to civil servants who’re supposed to provide expertise vs. politicians and appointees at the top who have the authority to set policy. It’s not hard to imagine an arrogant politician setting a policy based on their preconceptions, and ignoring contradictory advice from their ministry or department. It’s also not hard to imagine a bureaucracy mired in groupthink lacking the ambition or intellectual rigor to study the issue.

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Why I love you, Jen Gerson, “...fine new supercluster-aspirational buzzword-laden legislative boondoggle coming from our federal government ...”

And, nah, the Ottawa PolitBureau Muppets won’t listen. I’m long past expecting anything beyond the usual ‘we didn’t know, we weren’t told.’

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Wow, Jen is on fire!

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Line Editor

What can we do about this? Write to MP?

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Line Editor

Dear Ms. Gerson, Thank you. I have recently upped by subscription and promise to do so again once I am in better shape. I may have a story for you this July. I citizen's project to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the battle for Sicily. www.remembrancewalk.ca No govt support, zero... if you are interested call or write steve@isaix.com or 514-919-5858

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