Well your link to the CBC 'bad words' page made me think of that Great American Philosopher's commentary on such things...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyBH5oNQOS0

Begging the questions... Is CBC going to die by eating its own tail? Or, is the CBC already dead, and this is just what decomposition looks like when you get too close? Or should CBC just keep doing what it's doing and simply re-brand its entire operation as 'comedy'? The Comedy By Comedians channel where nobody laughs! Get it? Straighten yer face! Nobody laughs! That's the one and only joke... Nobody Laughs! Perfecting Perfection! The PP channel! Scratching the itch for which there be no relief! The channel so committed to politically correct, no one is allowed to work there! Must be a better way to blow a billion bucks! Where you smoke yer brains out til your higher than that high horse you trot around on! And on and on and on...

Clearly the revenge of an angry planet? Tumbling through space, roiling with laughter!

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Poor Seth. He doesn't even get dog shampoo jokes anymore. :)

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Line Editor

Those who want to push back on the "War on Christmas" should read Tom Holland's Dominion. Christianity is in everything, and a silly Hollywood production isn't going to stop that.

Thanks, Jen for watching the show so we don't have to.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Line Editor

Jen check out https://ground.news/blindspot they do something similar tracking who (right left) reports on what super interesting


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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Line Editor

Jezus, hadn't heard of Santa Inc. Trailer was plenty enough. If it were created by GPT-3, I would say "wow, hats off! Its amazing what machine learning can do now!". Otherwise, it feels like a paint by numbers comedy which was really boring. Maybe it could have been a funny 2min sketch like "KLOPS" was years ago on Mad TV. But even the trailer was too long... And they made... EIGHT episodes?!?!? But yes, I can see how this would piss off a lot of people and others who will convince themselves to love it just because it pisses off the people they despise.

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I’m having trouble understanding this piece as one coherent message. If the point of Christmas is simply to gather yourself good food, beauty, light and the people you love through the darkest stretch of the year, then why would Jews or anyone seek to poke fun at it? Not saying that you couldn’t poke fun at these things, but no one on Santa Inc. is having any fun. Not the people making it, and certainly not the people watching it. There is nothing fun or funny about this show because it isn’t intended to be humour. Santa Inc. is retributive deconstruction at its purest. It is the joyless and hateful tearing down of something good and something religious. The creators of this show on some subconscious level know that Christmas is entirely and absolutely a Christian tradition that cannot be divorced from its religious roots. This is why they can stir up their tireless and malevolent effort in its tearing down.

Who would giddily try to tear down the ‘collecting of good food, beauty, light and the people you love’ and think that this would be entertaining or even that it would be funny? The creators of Santa Inc do not. It is precisely the Christ in Christmas that irks them. They are not striking down Saturnalia, or whatever other winter festival people wrongly conflate and synonymize with Christmas. They are tearing down Christian traditions only and specifically.

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Make a movie like this about Ramadan...see what happens. If they really wanted to trigger a discussion about the irrationality of religion they should know what hand presently feeds those machines.

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I don't think Christians insinuated Christmas into a secular society. Western countries developed as almost exclusively christian enterprises and the synchretic nature of christmas is know to them. If anything the secularists insinuated themselves. As a secularist myself, I don't mind it...but the way you frame it is almost insulting. Like those dumb Christians just showed up one day and forced everyone to participate in soltice-fest by another name. As opposed to the fact that almost everyone used to be christian.

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TBH Santa Inc. looked like it could be a ridiculous parady of today's culture from the 2 minutes

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Christmas aside, these progressive leftists, like Rogen and Silverman, are ruining comedy. SNL mocking Winsome Sears was disgusting and, for me, the last straw. It's off my PVR. The last season of Brooklyn 99 is unwatchable. The more extreme and blatant their views get though, the more people are waking up and saying, "Fuck off". Working class people do not want to be lectured by rich Hollywood phonies.

And to show how much of an echo chamber Seth Rogen is in, in regards to his comments about white supremacy, Joe Rogan just called out the Patriot Front for looking like a bunch of Fed's. Kim Iversen did some great reporting on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTXhtyfTjdE&list=PLuGGLs2Z6d2MkmNSdRGREzq7Ni2PyuKy-&index=1&t=14s

When the demand for white supremacy outweighs the supply, what's a Fed to do???

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As someone who found Santa Inc. very funny - I even dared my geriatric parents to try an episode, possibly as a scheme to gain early access to my inheritance - I think you went a little deep on the “opinion as fact: it sucks” element.

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