Public health owns the disastrous handling of this entire debacle. The public is not just fatigued, we are confused. Why did Bonnie Henry yesterday say in her press conference that large gatherings will not resume this summer, fall or next winter? Do the vaccines work or not? What will change after next winter? This is why people have given up. We are being told that no matter how much we comply, how much we give up, and what medical interventions we accept, nothing changes.

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Nice, compassionate piece. Can't see how it'd happen, but it'd be nice.

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The vaccine roll out has had its problems but the brunt of the whole issue lays at the lack of vaccines and conveyed information as to when the vaccines would be arriving and how many could be expected. The lack of vaccines are the reason we are in the third wave of this pandemic and that failure belongs solely to the Liberal Federal Government of Canada, not the Provinces. They can only roll out what vaccines they have. To be informed continually of changes in arrival where they receive nothing and then a million doses come all at once, makes anything hard to roll out, let alone highly volatile vaccines. From the messaging to border control, to the lack of vaccines lays upon the Federal Government of Canada as does the fact we are not able to make our own vaccines in Canada at this time. To add to their abysmal failure was the shuttering of our early warning system who were disbanded due to bureaucratic ignorance. Be it the lack of PPE due to throwing it out to sending 16 tons to China, there is only one entity to blame. The Liberal Government of Canada. Period! As for helping businesses in a timely manner I suggest the author do some research on that as it was another failure of the Federal government of Canada, as were the deals offered to large corporations needing a financial hand. They would have to have a government of Canada official put on the board of directors to steer their corporations to the new economy that the LiberLs have planned for Canadians and Canada. They are using this catastrophe to further their own political agenda and reset our economy and Capitalism. It’s not just COVID fatigue but the fatigue of being lied to and manipulated for a political agenda that no one voted for!

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I’ll tell you someone who doesn’t appear to be burned out: our prime minister. He has continued to look immensely pleased with himself throughout this whole thing. But yes, we could probably use some fresh people working on the recovery—if there are any left out there.

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Well said Kevin. I've been watching Kenney disintegrate over the past year. HIs press conferences have become semi articulate, contradictory, and unfocused. Why? He takes FAR too much of the decision making on his own shoulders. If he trusted the medical community more and actually listened to the experts Alberta wouldn't be the COVID inferno that it is. Alta obviously needs a clear perspective on the pandemic but Kenney's suspicion of "experts" will ensure that won't happen.

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