A large cadre of progressive activists have destroyed their own credibility since October 7. What were claimed as principles have been revealed to be ideology and dogma. The problem is that the activists either lack the introspection to realize this, or the shame to admit their hypocrisy and inconsistency. The question now is whether the broader public perceives this.

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Thank you for speaking out. At first I thought women’s rights groups were appalled at what was shown to happen to Israeli women by Hamas and had to formulate an adequate response. But after a week of horrifying reports and video of Israeli women ...I can’t understand why there hasn’t been a loud and very vocal demand for justice for the abuse and death of Israeli women. What hypocrisy.

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It's absolutely unconscionable.

Hypocrisy doesn't adequately describe it.

They have discredited themselves completely.

Thank you for shining a light on this.

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I have zero credibility to offer on the discourse of women’s issues, but reading this article certainly highlights the hypocrisy of female NDP politicians who can grandstand with the best of them.

It certainly isn’t any surprise to see the MP for Churchill-Keewatin standing in the middle of the action, blinkered to the suffering of women and children during the October 7 pogrom AND the manipulation of women in Gaza by Hamas. In Gaza, women are nothing more than tools of propaganda.

I wonder if these feminist politicians realize the dangers that they are exposing Jewish women in Canada with their hypocrisy?

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Excellent column. It reminds me of the old bit about 'well, she asked for it.' In their perverted logic, it's 'they asked for it because they're Jews.'

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Obviously there is no such thing as “feminism.” These groups deligitimize themselves, as does Trudeau, Ashton, Jama, et al. The only observation one can make is that Jew Hatred out-ranks feminism, if it actually exists. I’m waiting for proof.

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If leftists feminists didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. They have never taken up the cause of the oppression of Muslim women in general either.

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It’s staggering to grasp the level of “progressive” hypocrisy and rot in the Western democracies. I would never have believed the vile responses from the left had this not happened. I truly hope that it’s not too late to reverse the course we’re on.

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Thank you for this. The silence from "feminist" organizations has been deafening and shameful. If they won't take Hamas' own video testimony as proof, the women's injuries as proof, the condition and circumstance of the deceased bodies as proof... I don't know what they would accept. Oct 7 was a pogram, pure and simple. The women were raped because they were Jews and because rape is shocking. I think it proved hard for "feminist" organizations to separate these incidents of rape from the conflict in the region. The agendas conflicted, so they stayed silent. Instead of stating unequivocaly that rape is wrong. By any group, at any time. They were/are afraid to say anything that could be interpreted as supportive of Israel. So their political agenda (overt or covert) of being anti-Israel, or their unconscious anti-semistism, trumps their feminist agenda. Yikes, and good to know. As for the public figures, I've long since given up on any consistency in values and logic in political leaders.

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It’s the pet victim protection mentality. Islamists and terrorists are reckoned as being more oppressed than women by leftists, so they try and suppress women to keep their pets from “defamation”. They refuse to cut Gaza out of their circle of concern because they’re stupid.


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Disdain for reason yields a horrifying harvest again and again. Thanks for this incisive piece.

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I ruminated a bit on my Substack yesterday about the general denial of atrocities and how this may stem from our failure to assert broader societal values. The only explanation I can come up with for such blatantly hypocritical behavior is that more people than we think simply don't care about anything. It's not about ideology or dogma; it's more like sociopathy. Their support of causes is just a way to fit in, nothing more profound. That's why I think it's vital to ensure they can't fit in with such despicable views. It's really the only thing that restrains them, not any kind of internal moral drive.

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I am what is known as a TERF, by some. Trans exclusionary radical feminist. Being age 73, I am not surprised at the silence by ‘progressive feminists’ on the rape, abuse and killing of Israeli women on October 7th.

They support the demands of the trans female lobby, even at the obvious expense and harm to biological females that some of the demands cause. Sadly, I am not surprised by any of this. It was exactly what I expected and it truly is upsetting.

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"Why are so many so-called feminists denying it?" Answer? Easy Peasy. Hypocrisy.

"My fervent feminist beliefs are actually fervent political beliefs. I choose not believe Israeli women therefor I remain mute."

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Three observations.

First, "Believe All Women", is, taken at face value, equal parts offensive and dumb. It both assumes women never lie and ENCOURAGES women to lie. How anyone ever thought this was a helpful slogan is beyond me.

Second, as a practical matter, it never really meant we were to believe ALL women. No, we were only ever meant to believe all women saying something consistent with a particular (i.e usually "progressive") world view. The reaction from the so-called feminists being (rightly) decried in this article are only the latest proof of that claim. If there was proof of the IDF committing these atrocities in Gaza on October 7 we KNOW what these people would be saying and it would start with, "Believe All Women".

Third, the authors of this piece, seem upset that anybody was "demanding proof rather than believing survivors" of the October 7 atrocities. This is an unserious complaint. OF COURSE we need proof of any claimed atrocities. Now, we undeniably HAVE such proof and anyone contesting that proof is unserious (and a whole lot worse than just unserious). But this article would have been a lot more powerful had it dispensed with the ridiculous starting premise of "Believe All Women" and focused solely on the alarming denial of the disgusting atrocities in the face of overwhelming evidence.

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Why is such a powerful question! The reluctance of feminists to confirm how Hamas raped Jewish women to hurt and destroy their lives is disgusting! Feminists who deny the use of rape as a war weapon is beneath contempt!

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