From the get-go we were told "COVID-19 doesn't discriminate". Clearly, it does.

And no, we're not "all in this together". Some of us can work from home and protect ourselves. Others are "essential workers" who put themselves at great risk.

A lot of myths were shattered in the last year.

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That’s a pretty uninspired rant. Almost every concern you blame on equity and fairness is actually the result of inadequate supply of vaccines. Why is the US vaccinating tourists when Canada is still vaccinating its residents? Supply.

But, to be fair…you are only complaining, there’s not one solution in your article, so perhaps you accept that government is doing the right thing, it’s just that COVID isn’t fair?

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While I'm sympathetic, from the article, it's not clear what the solution is. All the problems mentioned are fairly disparate. Should the provincial government have usurped municipal authority the way it did, maybe not, but there were reasons for the decisions made. Should the vaccine distribution been not have prioritized anyone? What kind of backlash would that have sparked? It's just not clear what can be done with this.

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