Good analysis! But someone might want to fix that “pendant”.😉

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I loath the fact that simply pointing out how parliament works and the implications of what is essentially mixing American democracy with English Parliamentary Democracy is now considered being pedantic. Major news outlets asking Canadians living in BC whether they are going to "vote for Trudeau" and commentators speaking about mandates and Prime Ministerial terms and those of us trying to correct and clarify are being shoved away as pedants. This whole country needs a shake.

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I like to dream of the Conservatives (119 seats), the Bloc Québécois (33 seats), and the NDP (25 seats) voting non-confidence in the Liberal (159 seats) government's Throne Speech.

And, the Governor General, then, asking Erin O'Toole to form a government.

The Conservatives would then form a government, pass one piece of legislation to implement the Single Transferable Vote proportional representation voting system.

O'Toole would then prorogue government for one year to give Elections Canada time to implement the system. Then, O'Toole would ask the G-G to dissolve Parliament and issue the writs for a new election.

Alas, then I wake up.

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All fixed! Thank you from those of us who *are* obnoxious pedants, which M. Lagassé is definitely not! 😉

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Thoughtful and relevant piece. As you say, terminology matters, also spelling, which I tend to be a bit pedantic about.

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I've yet to read a journalist take the most-obvious conclusion: that we said "Meh. Thanks. We're fine. We're content. Things are basically OK. We're glad to not be the States, or Britain, with their terrible leadership. We're glad to have one of the lowest pandemic death-rates in the developed world. The new programs announced so far are OK, we guess; we don't know if they're Too Much or Too Little, either, let's just carry on and find out."

Here's my image of the 2021 election: a number of eager people accost a man trying to read in a library, berating him with philosophical questions, and he says "Would you mind leaving me alone?"

That's all I can draw from parliament not changing much, when so much in the world has changed.

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You talk about the "voters" electing our national gov't. Really, it's Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa that elects the government. People who either work for government or love being bribed by a government that borrows to pay for the bribes and foists off paying for the borrowed money on to our children and grandchildren. Disgusting people.

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"At this point, you’re understandably thinking that I’m an obnoxious pedant." - Yes, yes I am. sorry.

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