If they showed up in orbit and sent messages down, I could understand that.

If they snuck up, and used their Technology Indistinguishable From Magic to hide from all our radars and observations and just observe, I could understand that.

"Sneaking" around so badly that they're seen every day for long periods, and many know there's something there, but not what, I can't even imagine a motive.

Comments also apply to a hypothetical human state (or group) that had discovered Wakanda-level technology out of the comics. Russia would announce it to be terrifying, China would sell it; nobody would use it to scare the crap out of a nation with 10,000 nuclear bombs. Nor would any modern leader use it to Take Over The World. America has kind of proved that vast technological differences can be used to kill people, but not to run nations and force them to be productive.

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What if they don't think they're sneaking around? This is them just doing their thing?

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They've been spotted by military pilots, again and again and again, but not by the 1000X more-common civilian pilots? Somebody's doing some sneaking, though I think that the military sneakily campaigning for more money is the most-likely sneaking going on.

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Good point... But how many military higher-ups are in on the grift? All the pilots and their handlers... a lot of people to keep quiet. (Are the objects flying close to earth or at higher altitudes?

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No, I'm not imagining some conspiracy. I can readily imagine that if some optical phenomenon made it appear that an object was there. (It's an object when somebody bounces radar off it; until then, it's some light-waves coming in the camera and window.)

I can readily imagine an observer saying "You can make something appear to move 10,000 MPH, and do right-angle turns at that speed, by waving your flashlight quickly across a distant wall; but no object is messing up the laws of motion, because it's just light."

I can also imagine any military saying "Yeah, but to be sure, lets assume we need another trillion dollars to combat this threat", if they thought they could get away with it.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I'll take a radar reflection. Until then, it's a filler story, and a fun base for Von Neumann speculation. If you liked Mr. Jago's Von Neumann story, read the book "2010" by Arthur C. Clarke. It positions the 2001 Monolith as a Von Neumann machine.

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Yoicks, story in Vancouver Sun this morning says the 2004 contact included radar tracking. That was also the story that basically had the "TicTac" teleporting itself great distances in no time.

Still the motive for such antics is missing, either from aliens or Wakandans.

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