Hello, people of The Line! And a very happy long weekend to you all! Hail Queen Victoria!
A few quick notes and then we'll get right into the latest episode of The Line Podcast. We are not publishing a written dispatch this weekend; as you'll see right at the start of the podcast, Jen is travelling. And Matt needs a few days off! So this podcast is gonna have to tide all you fantastic people over until next week.
Second, we hope you'll join us in Edmonton next month! Tickets are starting to move faster so if you want to join us in Edmonton on June 6, where you'll get to hang out with Matt, Jen and their great panel, plus have some food and drinks, don't wait. Buy now!
This episode of The Line Podcast is brought to you by Unsmoke Canada. Canada can be a global leader in reducing the harm caused by smoking, but it requires actionable steps, including giving adult smokers the information they need to choose potentially less harmful alternatives. Learn more at Unsmoke.ca.
As for the podcast itself, Matt leads off with why he's worried that Canadian accountants have actually found a way to document Canadian decline in their actuarial tables. It's basic hierarchy of needs stuff, and we are obviously failing to do very basic government things, even while promising to do ever more complicated stuff.
From there, Jen pivots to the end of the Phoenix payroll system, and suggests that it fits right in with what Matt was suggesting moments before. She also talks about the plan to establish a panel to review the future of the CBC. The panel sounds like exactly what you'd expect from a panel to review the future of the CBC. And the two editors end by discussing a very upsetting incident in Atlantic Canada where a student was assaulted at school in an apparent antisemitic incident. Police are investigating and The Line is waiting to hear the official finding, but many of our Jewish friends were very upset by this. And we don't blame them a bit.
If none of these options appeal, there are many others that you can find here, and we are sure there will be one that suits your fancy.
Thanks again for listening/watching. Like and subscribe, and have a fantastic long weekend. Talk to you soon.
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The Line Podcast: Canada is broken. The accountants have proven it