It's depressing to imagine that Trudeau could win another election by recycling the same rhetoric and platform he used in 2015. After 9 years in power and substantially increasing spending, what does Trudeau really have to show for it? Why give him another shot at doing things he promised but failed to do? Co-opting popular opposition policies and positions on issues such as the Conservative position on housing is a long-standing Liberal strategy. However, given the Trudeau government's inability to do much of anything, voters would be kidding themselves to believe that the Liberals would actually accomplish anything significant.

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A nice summation at how Canadians fight class wars. Envy and entitlement being of course the main ingredients.

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Sean Fraser is NOT a competent minister. He increased immigration to this country to 1M+ people per year despite of warnings by his own department that it will put more pressure on housing. He increased the population growth of this country to such a level that some economists say we’re in a population trap.

Now he’s moved to housing, handing out subsidies to developers left and right. He’s also telling municipalities to upzone which will only increases the price of land, which will lead to higher home prices. Zoning isnt the big impediment to housing. It’s excessive demand due to high population growth + many demand side policies govt pushes to incentivize more people to invest in housing.

If we want affordable housing, govt needs to let house prices fall instead of constantly stimulating the housing market.

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Going back to a capital gains inclusion rate lower than the one we had in the 90s is hardly an "eat the rich" budget (and you'd really have to reach for evidence that lowering it a decade later increased capital investment or productivity given the recent track record).

Not all capital gains are related to productive investment, either. If you're making pure rentier gains (e.g., real estate speculation) less attractive it's hard to see that a loss, although, yes, the measure is blunt and could backfire.

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I first saw some version of the line one election night looking searching for live updates that didn’t suck. I came across Jen Gerson, Matt Gurney and others talking smack about the election. Insightful stuff and spicy Jen says great things.

But then her husband’s hand slipped into the frame with a fresh drink and I knew I was going to keeping listening to these people. I’ve done the same for my wife, so kudos to “husband of the pod”.

Man, I wish I could have been to the show.

Kelowna next time?

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There were a few cringey moments due to mixing alcohol and podcasting.

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Two comments

1). I don’t know where the government comes up with 40k Canadians (all obscenely loaded) will be affected by the capital gains tax. I know 3 rural veterinarians in a small town that will be affected ! Most small business owners in this country. Most farmers will be affected negatively by this.

Trudeau has fucked with my retirement. This will affect small town professionals more the an anyone else.

2). I am willing to be someone in the liberal party of Canada “reached out” to Kristian Firth of GC strategies ( wonder what the GC stands for?) and said “get a doctors note about stress and we won’t ask you any questions “!!!

This is unbelievable. This man has probably through graft has “stolen” millions of dollars from Canadians. He was called to the bar of the House of Commons. And the liberals did not ask him a single equation after he said he had a “doctors note to avoid stress”.

Sorry but. FUCK YOU. Chicken shit by the liberal party and chickenshit by Kristian Firth. Is he stressed? He fucking better be stressed. He fucked over millions of Canadians. Boo. Fucking. Hoo.

And the liberals took that as an opportunity to not ask any questions as all the answers if honest would have simply made them look bad.

Criminal collusion

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Great podcast. Very happy your first live recording went so well. Looking forward to many more. Oh yeah, and that one of those will be in Ottawa! Cheers.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

Is anyone surprised that the government got the tax idea that is probably a good idea wrong? This may be incredibly naïve but when taxation on the really rich was significantly higher, they used to build things that benefitted everyone while writing the cost off their taxes. They didn't suffer to put food on their table, or do whatever they wanted to do. Now, with taxation rates cut for those same people through lobbying of assorted governments; read buying them of through donations, they now hoard wealth at unimaginable levels. hence my theory that the leaders of the G20 need to get together and put an end to all corporate subsidies which are nothing more than an upward transfer of wealth. Take the VW battery plant in St Thomas, Ontario. They were given a 14 billion dollar subsidy to create effectively 3000 permanent jobs. The basic math suggests that the corporate subsidy granted means the taxpayer are paying all 3000 of those people $100000/yr for the next 46 years....while getting nothing in return. This is not something one country can take on alone. That's why it needs to be the entire G20. At the same time, you dramatically increase taxation on income over $500000/yr, and go after the jurisdictions that have allowed people to hide their wealth. But the billionaire class seem to have established themselves as a new royalty using governments as tools to protect their wealth. An alliance is needed to restore the concept of responsible government that is actually intended to serve the citizens. Because, also in Ontario, the current Ford provincial government has one clear purpose; enriching Doug's donors. There are no other goals.

Touching the CPP or any other pension for political purposes it an utterly idiotic idea. Period. But that, Jen, was a beautiful rant.

All I really want to know is what did Bibi know and when? Because I'm leaning heavily towards the idea that Israel could have stopped this, and didn't for political purposes. I still don't believe this helps Israel's security long term.

As for the difference in the treatment you get, it's because men are stupid...and there is no rule two.

It's a shame you and the audience didn't have any fun with this :)

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I heard it once, i heard it twice. I heard Jen and Matt tell us what's absurd.

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