For my own teaching practice, i look at the limited time we have with kids - four classes in English Lit, usually - and ask: what works will inspire kids to Ever Read Again after we stop being able to compel them? Four opportunities to encourage love of the written word. We faced the same problem in music classes - an opportunity in the 70s to inspire musicians, and an audience of kids absolutely in love with music - and teachers had us playing in an orchestra, music irrelevant to us, and it sucked the life out of the art. We have finite opportunities, and to indulge our aspirations to fanciness is wasteful. Shakespeare is glorious - teach so readers one day seek out and fall in love with Shakespeare.
I love Shakespeare. But the language in the plays is simply too difficult for high school students. "Grade Saver" companies online are making a fortune.
with Jocko Willink (US Navy SEAL), in which he praises Shakespeare. The link is queued to the relevant point, but the whole interview is excellent. Jump back to 40 minute point for more on his English studies.
For my own teaching practice, i look at the limited time we have with kids - four classes in English Lit, usually - and ask: what works will inspire kids to Ever Read Again after we stop being able to compel them? Four opportunities to encourage love of the written word. We faced the same problem in music classes - an opportunity in the 70s to inspire musicians, and an audience of kids absolutely in love with music - and teachers had us playing in an orchestra, music irrelevant to us, and it sucked the life out of the art. We have finite opportunities, and to indulge our aspirations to fanciness is wasteful. Shakespeare is glorious - teach so readers one day seek out and fall in love with Shakespeare.
I love Shakespeare. But the language in the plays is simply too difficult for high school students. "Grade Saver" companies online are making a fortune.
This will trigger some, but I recently caught this video
with Jocko Willink (US Navy SEAL), in which he praises Shakespeare. The link is queued to the relevant point, but the whole interview is excellent. Jump back to 40 minute point for more on his English studies.