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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Line Editor

Re: Roe v Wade. Hard to see how you can say "I agree with the Democrats on this" The Democrats have had YEARS to put through legislation on abortion. They even had a heads up with the leak of the R v W ruling. But they do not seem interested in actually passing legislation. Instead, they are interested in scoring political points. BOTH sides are doing this regarding abortion, so don't think that I am taking the side of the Republicans. I am simply saying that there was LOTS of time to do something about this, and the Democrats have squandered every opportunity. So how are you on the Democrats side on this? As far as I can tell, they really don't care about women.

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Roe is/was 50 year old legislation. There is a lot of other legislation that was built on Roe v Wade that could easily be threatened. What opportunities did Democrats have but ignored or disregarded? Lots of time you say. Why didn't the GOP, the mostly white Christian evangelicals, and now the Republican heavy SCOTUS, not to mention Trump sycophants get off the pot and do this decades ago? (NOTHING gets leaked from the SC, this was a first)

You really don't know how the American system works do you? Who do you think cares about women?

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Trust me when I say you're not asking too much. This government has lost its right to govern, the NDP have committed political suicide by enabling it, and the CPC is being handed a third straight majority on a golden platter. Will they pick a leader to get them to the promised land?

Agreed.. the dissent may have blown up the function of the Supreme Court.

Leadership and institutionally, we have reached rock bottom and started to dig.

But it is always entertaining...and we need to listen to smart people having a civil debate and exchange of ideas. The world needs more of that.

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Like the conversations style of your podcasts. The option of reading a transcript is nice too.

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Recorded it to MP3 right after it dropped, just before a run, so I listened to my first one on my MP3 box. Probably my last; it was frankly comedic. Matt fell for the story that somebody releasing information was a bigger deal than holding that guy accountable for 22 dead. Calling it "underreported" when it took over the National Post yesterday, crowding out the 22-dead-inquiry story? It certainly served its intended purpose.

How embarrassing to come up with that whole "societal trust has bottomed out / pandemic" story right when the National Post published a story by Joseph Brean just the other day (vanished from their web site, I still have the paper) on the new poll of 10,000 Canadians by UK pollster Ashcroft:


...which Brean summarizes as "steady civic peace...debunks more familiar worries about..ideological divides", and "Canadians seem a lot more confident, empathetic, proud and trusting of their own democracy and national identity...7 in 10 think Canada one of the best places to live".

...or in short, a poll done after the pandemic says you're just dead wrong about the whole societal-bonds-are-frayed notion; indeed, 180 degrees off.

The thing about us not appreciating our safe, protected lives with reliable police response flies in the face of the most-popular shows of the last decade being Game of Thrones (S3, with every random gang of men able to rape and murder innkeepers at will was bracing) and The Walking Dead (what we'd be without police, in about six weeks - and 16 months begat the first feudal lord demanding kneeling). I'm pretty sure that we're clear from fiction how lucky we are.

The nonsense about either/both Texas/California considering breaking up the Union (600,000 dead, last try) was understandable from somebody who thinks Alberta Separatism is anything but laughable fringe. But, still, another embarrassing eye-roll.

Have a good vacation guys. Grow back some sense of trust in civil society that the huge majority of your fellow citizens never lost.

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